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Lawyers in Dubai
05 Jun 2020

Federal Law towards Family Law

Amendments by Federal Law Number 8 of 2019 towards Family Law The Abu Dhabi Statistics Centre (ADSC) had revealed that about 30 percent of the divorces that took place in 2018 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was dissolved within the first year of marriage. A total of 5,467 marriage contracts…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
05 Jun 2020

Alternative Investment Funds

Alternative Investment Funds A CNBC article noted, "With the Stock market bland and the bond market bubbling, investors may have to search elsewhere in the months ahead for return." The investors who are tired of the stock markets wrench and their volatility and who have been continuously looking out for…

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Lawyers in Dubai
04 Jun 2020

COVID-19 on Shipping and Maritime Industry

Impact of COVID-19 on the Shipping and Maritime Industry The outbreak of the infectious disease named as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the newly discovered coronavirus has caused chaos and panic all over the world causing the ceasing of all normal daily activities like going to work, a walk…

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Lawyers in Dubai
04 Jun 2020

Economic Substance Regulation

Economic Substance Regulation 2019 and 2020 UAE The UAE Cabinet issued the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution Number 31 of 2019 concerning economic substance regulations in the UAE (the "Regulations") on 30 April 2019. The Regulations require the UAE entities ("Relevant Entities") that carry out any of the activities listed as…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
03 Jun 2020

Sweat Equity Shares

Sweat Equity Shares Sweat equity shares have proven to be a boon to the corporate world by way of promoting healthy competition and serving as a reward for the employees of the company while at the same time furthering the development of the company. Sweat equity shares are shares that…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jun 2020

Software Infringement in UAE

Software Infringement in UAE Software piracy or violation of a software license, is an illegal action that occurs due to unsanctioned use, distribution, exploitation and/or reproduction of copyrighted software. With the technology roar, it is very fundamental that an economy in its full strength and thrive be able to protect…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jun 2020

Competition Law in UAE

Competition Law in UAE If a certain organization succeeds in overtaking the market by outshining its competitors, then the competitors face abuse of a dominant position which leads to a competitive market being governed by erroneous marketing mechanisms. Such erroneous market mechanisms would also include within its ambit where two…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
02 Jun 2020

Conspiracy for Abetment of Crimes

Law Governing Conspiracy for Abetment of Crimes Urging a person to commit an illegal act or crime is as much an offence as the carrying out of such criminal offence. Federal Law Number 3 of 1987 promulgating the Penal Code (“Code”) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) mandates that any…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Jun 2020

Guide to International Arbitration

Guide to International Arbitration "When will mankind be convinced and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration?"- Benjamin Franklin     A year ago, it seemed as if Brexit was finally about to happen. One year on, they are in the same position again. At one point, albeit, it seemed likely…

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Lawyers in Dubai
08 May 2020

The Power to Appeal

Appealing Power: The Power to Appeal Power and responsibility go hand in hand. The power to appeal renders the responsibility to seek justice, and the public prosecutors have been entrusted with such powers to seek appeals in certain civil and criminal matters in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The courts…

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Lawyers in Dubai
04 May 2020

applicability of VAT legislation

An overview of the applicability of VAT legislation Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the United Arab Emirates upon the issuance of Federal Decree Law Number 8 of 2017 and was implemented just as the year 2018 was heralded. Value Added Tax is the tax on the consumption or…

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Healthcare lawyers in UAE
04 May 2020

Termination in case of Terminal Illness, UAE

Termination in case of Terminal Illness, UAE It has been an unexpectedly enlightening experience to see patients' primary concern once they are diagnosed with a terminal illness is whether they will be able to continue working while they are receiving their treatment or not and the extent of treatment on…

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Healthcare lawyers in UAE
03 May 2020

Coronavirus as a Force Majeure Event

The Consideration of Coronavirus as a Force Majeure Event As it continues to spread globally, coronavirus (COVID-19) has effectively ensnared the world’s attention and concern by bringing it to a standstill. As of 28th March 2020, the World Health Organization has confirmed 512,701 cases of the virus worldwide and a…

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banking lawyers in Dubai
03 May 2020

Transfer of Shares in UAE

Transfer of Shares in UAE The governing of transfer of shares in a company is done by Federal Law Number 2/2015 on Commercial Companies Law (CCL) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The different types of companies that can be set up under the CCL comprise of a joint liability…

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