Law Blog Categories

Healthcare lawyers in UAE
30 May 2020

The Consideration of Coronavirus as a Force Majeure Event

The Consideration of Coronavirus as a Force Majeure Event As it continues to spread globally, coronavirus (COVID-19) has effectively ensnared the world’s attention and concern by bringing it to a standstill. As of 28th March 2020, the World Health Organization has confirmed 512,701 cases of the virus worldwide and a…

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Criminal Lawyers in UAE
30 May 2020

Appealing Power: The Power to Appeal

Appealing Power: The Power to Appeal Power and responsibility go hand in hand. The power to appeal renders the responsibility to seek justice, and the public prosecutors have been entrusted with such powers to seek appeals in certain civil and criminal matters in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The courts…

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Lawyers in Dubai
05 May 2020

An overview of the applicability of VAT legislation

An overview of the applicability of VAT legislation A Achar Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the United Arab Emirates upon the issuance of Federal Decree Law Number 8 of 2017 and was implemented just as the year 2018 was heralded. Value Added Tax is the tax on the…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 May 2020

Due Diligence by Foreign Law Firms of UAE Entities

Due Diligence by Foreign Law Firms of UAE Entities Business transactions around the world often involve mergers, acquisitions or take-overs. Such transactions of the business organizations require thoughtful decisions which ultimately decides the future of the Company. Hence, due diligence holds the key to vital decisions of the economy as…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
28 Apr 2020

Criminal Implications of Perjury An Examination of the UAE Penal Code

Criminal Implications of Perjury  An Examination of the UAE Penal Code Perjury, the crime of lying under oath, is an offence that derails the fundamental goal of the justice system – the discovery of the truth. Even some notable and influential entities have not been exempt to the consequences of…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
27 Apr 2020

Validity of Side Agreements in the United Arab Emirates

Validity of Side Agreements in the United Arab Emirates A side letter or a side agreement is an agreement that is not part of the primary contract or agreement but is an ancillary to the primary contract. A side agreement is used by parties a contract to confirm additional details…

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Lawyers in Dubai
06 Apr 2020

Q&A Patent Registration in the UAE (Part 2 of 2)

Q&A on Patent Laws in the UAE (Part II of II) STA’s renowned Intellectual Property team has progressed with the second series of the Q&A on Patent Laws in the UAE based on popular demand by pundits in the intellectual property sphere. In this questionnaire, the Patent Division under the…

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banking lawyers in Dubai
31 Mar 2020

Insolvency Law in the UAE

Insolvency Law in the UAE N Anand With UAE’s emergence as a global business hub, owing to its flexible economic structure and numerous free zones, financial bankruptcy and insolvency was an issue that plagued investors and individuals. To address this, the UAE introduced Federal Law Number 9 of 2016, otherwise…

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Financial lawyers in Abu Dhabi
31 Mar 2020

Regulations on Private Finance Platforms in ADGM

Regulations on Private Finance Platforms in ADGM Global financial markets have witnessed unprecedented growth in the techniques and platforms in peer to peer lending over past two decades due to various factors such as improvements in technology backing such platforms, real-time access to funds, ability to obtain unsecured personal or…

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Lawyers in Dubai
16 Mar 2020

Money Laundering Laws in the UAE

Money Laundering Law in the UAE “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion” The above proverb/saying does hold good when it comes to white collar crimes and economic offenses and it goes without saying that continued attempts by criminal organizations to launder money lead to a corrosive…

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Patent Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
04 Mar 2020

Patent Laws in the UAE

Patent Laws in the UAE (Part 1 of 2) Guidance to readers: This is the first part of a two-part series on various aspects of patent law in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) including statutory interpretation, dispute resolution mechanism, judicial authority, patent infringement, enforcement, rights of patent holders, procedural aspects and…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
12 Feb 2020

Musataha Agreements in the Middle East

Musataha Agreements in the UAE Introduction The Rights of Musataha is a vital tool for real estate development in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It enables the investors to establish stable and safe investment projects whilst achieving the adequate balance between the rights of the proprietor and those of the…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
09 Feb 2020

CCTV & Invasion to Privacy in the GCC

CCTV & Invasion to Privacy in the GCC The world in this millennium is techno-dependent for almost every aspect of life whether its payment of debts through credit card, entering into contracts by parties distant through online, i.e. e-contracts, e-booking of railway or air tickets and even social networking platforms.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
31 Jan 2020

Indian Civil Procedure Code: Reciprocating Territory and Superior Court

Reciprocating Territory and Superior Court in the Indian Civil Procedurs Code    The Ministry of Law and Justice of India has passed a notification on 17 January 2020 in the official Gazette of India declaring United Arab Emirates to be a reciprocating territory in respect with Explanation 1 to Section 44A of…

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