Law Blog Categories

Lawyers in Dubai
07 Jul 2018

Tender and Procurement Law of Abu Dhabi

Tender and Procurement Law of Abu Dhabi What are Tender and Procurement processes? Tender and procurement are two processes that go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other, and these processes are ones which occur in a multitude of countries and jurisdictions around the world. In a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
28 Jun 2018

The Ins and Outs of NGOs - Guide

The Ins and Outs of NGOs - Guide Non-governmental organizations provide the services that fill the gaps lefts by the private and the public sectors. Short-term interests motivate many politicians; these interests do not often align with long-term social goals and leave significant shortfalls in policies at the national and…

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Lawyers in Dubai
26 Jun 2018

Broader Issues under Sports Law

Legal Issues within the Ambit of Sports Law With the increasing involvement of the number of people in the sports industry, the number of legal embroilment issues is also on an all-time high. The body of laws governing sports is stretched far and wide covering within its different ambit issues.…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
24 Jun 2018

Abu Dhabi Global Markets: Civil Court

ADGM Civil Court Proceedings Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM) located in the capital of UAE in the city center of Abu Dhabi is an international financial center for local, regional and international organizations. ADGM is a channel that connects UAE with the world with its essential hub for global commerce.…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
23 Jun 2018

Trade Secrets : Global Overview

RATs, TRAPs and Trade Secrets While we know more about the world now than ever before, in some ways, it can seem more mysterious and complicated than ever before. The pursuit of information has always driven humans and is what has got us to the modern state we find ourselves…

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Law Firms in Dubai
18 Jun 2018

Extensive Guide on GCC Agency Laws

Agency Laws in the GCC Countries - An Extensive Guide Introduction The extension of the multinational partnership is either setting up its subsidiary in remote purview or to tie up with the local organization in a foreign jurisdiction. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the distant locals where international…

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Lawyers in Dubai
18 Jun 2018

The Law, the iPhone and Facial Recognition

eye(PHONE) Mahatma Gandhi said an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Talking about eyes, we have heard that every closed eye is not sleeping and every open sight is not seeing. From eyeglasses to contact lens and from augmented reality to google glass, disruptive technologies…

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Law Firms in Dubai
14 Jun 2018

Women and Divorce - Think Financially!

Spousal Support in Broken Marriages A professional women’s working hours might be from 9 to 6, but a housewife’s job doesn’t end there. A housewife has a 24-hour tireless position much more than anyone who works outside the house. On any given day they are required to be nurses, psychologists,…

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Lawyers in Dubai
01 Jun 2018

Registration of Trademarks : Asia (Part II of II)

Trademark Registration in Asian Countries Country and Applicable Legislation Length of Trademark (in years) Trademark Definition Eligible Applicants Documentation Requirement Language Requirement and Procedures Treaty/ Classification Treaty/Classification Benefits Kazakhstan  Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.456 of July 26, 1999, on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin (2012) Law on…

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Lawyers in Dubai
22 May 2018

Illegal Drugs and Consequences : UAE Law Guide : 2018-2019

Drugs - A Social Menace - 2018 - 2019 Illegal drugs are a popular craze among the youth today. This may sound odd, seeing as the drugs are ‘illegal’ and yet the practice is so prevalent. Trying to picture a party today, and what would instantly come to mind would…

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Trademark Registration in Dubai
20 May 2018

Intellectual Property and Agricultural Sector

Intellectual property and Food Security Introduction The definition of Food security is "the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food." Globally the insufficiency of food security of developing and least developed States is a concern not only of governments but also all individuals within…

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Lawyers in Dubai
17 May 2018

M&A in Publicly Held Companies

Mergers and Acquisitions: Public Shareholding Companies “How do you make money? Mergers, Acquisitions and Liquidations”                                                                                                             ~Mario Gabelli Introduction Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, MOE (Minister of Economy), and Board Chairman of the securities and commodities authority (SCA) was responsible for the introduction of a set of regulations concerning mergers…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
17 May 2018

Lord Woolf's Reforms and Civil Procedure Rules 1998

Do Lord Woolf’S Reforms Need Reforming? Part 1: The Lord Woolf Reform and the Current UK Civil Justice System Law may seem an unchanging presence that looms over all. It indeed dictates our everyday lives. Every action that an individual performs must take into account what the law may say…

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Law Firms in Dubai
10 May 2018

Electronic evidence in the UAE and KSA (Part I of II)

Admissibility of electronic evidence in the UAE and KSA (Part 1 of 2) Technology has changed the world in its totality in such a short time. It has indeed become an integral part of the everyday lives of so many. Today we see it incorporated into nearly everything we do.…

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