Law Blog Categories

Lawyers in Dubai
11 Feb 2018

Plagiarism and its Legal Consequences

Plagiarising Copyright ‘Give credit where credit is due.’  -        Author Unknown The origins of this proverb are unknown, but they are relevant in varied contexts. One can say that the concept of plagiarism efficiently sits on this axiom. But there’s another saying too; “If you steal ideas from one source…

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Law Firms in Dubai
08 Feb 2018

Pharmaceutical Regulations in Dubai and UAE

PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IN THE UAE  What are the main laws and regulations governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates? The primary piece of legislation governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates is Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 concerning the Pharmaceutical Profession and Pharmaceutical Institutions (the Pharmaceutical Law).…

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Arbitration in the UAE
07 Feb 2018

Arbitration - Criminal Liability of Arbitrators

Criminal Liability of Arbitrators in the UAE Are arbitrators above the law? Have you thought about arbitrators and the importance of their role in international arbitration tribunals? Well, arbitrators are the most crucial element of the modern alternative dispute resolution system. Their position is similar to that of judges who…

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Company Formation in Abu Dhabi
31 Jan 2018

Incorporating before Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Company Formation in Abu Dhabi Airport Business City 1. What law established this free zone? The following laws are the primary piece of legislation governing the Abu Dhabi Airport Business City (ADAB): Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution Number 61 of 2010 gave Sky City the authority to grant free zone status…

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Franchising in UAE
31 Jan 2018

Franchising in UAE

   Liability of Franchisors You cannot bring the Canadian winters to the UAE, but you can enjoy the warm coffee of Tim Hortons in the UAE. UAE has the answer to most of your cravings from back home, whether you are missing the butter chicken or chicken and waffle. This…

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Lawyers in Dubai
28 Jan 2018

Cloud Computing at Arm's Length?

Cloud Computing and Transfer Pricing In these times life without Netflix or Google Drive is hard to imagine, right? Accessing your all-time favorite movies from wherever you are to whenever you need without the hassle of carrying a bunch of discs and tapes wherever you go. Be it your slumber…

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Product Liability Law in Dubai and UAE
10 Jan 2018

Product Liability and Safety in UAE - Part 1 of 2

Product Liability and Safety in the United Arab Emirates: Detailed Insight (Part I of II) 1. Principle areas of law and regulation relating to product liability?                                                   …

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Healthcare Laws of UAE
06 Jan 2018

Healing from a Distance

Healing From a Distance: A Robot Today Can Keep the Doctors Away “In a few years, the idea of receiving medical treatment exclusively at a doctor’s office or hospital will seem quaint.” - Harvard Business Review In a time where technological advancement has revolutionized the spread of information and the…

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30 Dec 2017

The Emerging Role of NEC Form of Contracts

GOOD FOURTUNE- NEC4 “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin Introduction Biological evolution has been “creating” lives on this earth for almost three billion years, constantly adapting everything to an ever-changing environment. It is…

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UAE Agency Law
23 Dec 2017

Contracts with Agents under UAE Agency Law

Commercial Agency Contracts in the UAE - Behind the Scenes Do you represent a popular foreign brand that is planning to make a mark in the UAE? Are you confused about how to establish your international brand in the UAE market? Well, you’re reading the right piece of work! Every…

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Arbitration in Dubai and UAE
16 Dec 2017

Arbitration Award Vs Public Order

Arbitration Award Vs Public Order “Public order is a fragile thing, and if you don’t fix the first broken window soon all windows will be broken”         James O Wilson Many of us flinch at the thought of court proceedings, given its costly and lengthy nature. But luckily…

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Copyright Law on Cakes
11 Dec 2017

Copyrighting Cakes

Copyrighting Cakes Cake! Just the word makes our mouths water. Which one are you craving? Chocolate? Victorian sponge cake? Red velvet? Devil’s food cake? Or maybe a slice of cheesecake? There are so many options that all sound wonderful. Be it a birthday, a wedding, or any other special occasion,…

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Technology Lawyers in Dubai
09 Dec 2017

Does Buy Now Really Mean Deliver Now?

Does BUY NOW = DELIVER NOW? When I opened my Microsoft Word application on my personal computer this morning to write this article, it read that – ‘Your subscription as expired; choose one of the following options to reactivate.' This confused me for two reasons: (i) I was under the…

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Criminal Lawyers in UAE
07 Dec 2017

Contradictory Statements : Understanding the Legal Implications

Contradictory Statements In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Pinocchio told lies, and his nose grew. Unfortunately, liars in the courtroom may only be caught out by the inconsistent statements they make throughout a case. The challenge is for the jury and prosecution to find…

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