Law Blog Categories

Aviation Lawyers in Dubai
02 Dec 2017

Aviation Law - Country Guide: UAE - Q & A

Aviation Law Guide: United Arab Emirates Part 1 - General                                                                                 …

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VAT Lawyers in Dubai
01 Dec 2017

Legal Update: The New Executive Regulations on VAT Law

LEGAL UPDATE: UAE CABINET DECISION 52 OF 2017 CONCERNING EXECUTIVE REGULATIONS ON VAT LAW The UAE Cabinet Decision 52 of 2017 on the executive regulations (the Executive Regulations) of the Federal Decree Law Number 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax (the VAT Law) has shed light on the details…

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RAK Company Formation
21 Nov 2017

The Best of Both the Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds Balancing Low Costs and High Investments Although the title of this article sounds like the lyrics of a boy-band, we are not discussing about shores, Among the pool of Free Trade Zones in the United Arab Emirates, the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAK…

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Aviation Law Firms in Dubai
21 Nov 2017

Technical Aspects of Aircraft Lease

Technical Aspects of Aircraft Lease (Part II of II) In the previous issue, we discussed the various categories of aircraft lease such as a wet lease, dry lease, and damp lease. We also covered broadly the legal requirements for leasing an aircraft in the UAE and its implications. The aviation…

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Corporate Lawyers in Dubai
20 Nov 2017

Heads of Terms

Heads of Terms “Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.”  -        {C}{C}Brenna Yovanoff Overview                                                                                                                             Every contract is the result of an intense negotiation between the parties of the contract…

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Insider Trading Laws in Dubai UAE
19 Nov 2017

The Law on Insider Trading

INSIDER TRADING BETWEEN FRIENDS AND FAMILY “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”                                                                                                                                   - Warren Buffet The term insider trading has been popular amongst headlines of newspapers for a while now and has been subject to the argument of whether…

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Banking Lawyers in Dubai
18 Nov 2017

Mortgage of Movable Assets in Dubai and the UAE

Mortgage of Movable Assets The enactment of UAE Federal Law Number 20 of 2016 Concerning Mortgaging of Movable Properties as Security for Debts (the New Law) is a milestone towards the UAE government’s initiative to bring positive changes in UAE’s mortgage law. In parallel to the recent laws on commercial…

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Shipping Lawyers in Dubai
15 Nov 2017

Claiming Demurrage for Unreturned Containers

CLAIMING DEMURRAGE FOR UNRETURNED CONTAINERS A Case Study Time and tide wait for none. The earliest acknowledged record of this proverb is by St. Marher in 1225; however, the actual origin of this saying cannot be certainly determined. St. Marher had stated that ‘te tide and te time þat tu…

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Copyright Lawyers in UAE
11 Nov 2017

Piracy and its Consequences under UAE Law

Piracy and its Consequences The digital age has undeniably provided us with many benefits that we use on a daily basis. With the internet and the ability to communicate globally and share information with only a click of a button, the human reach can go beyond political borders. However, one unfortunate…

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Mining in UAE
05 Nov 2017

Mining in UAE: Overview Q&A

Overview 1. What are the recent developments in the exploration and extraction of mineral resources in the United Arab Emirates?  Response: Mineral resources in the United Arab Emirates (the UAE) are separated into three essential classifications: rocks; sands and soil; and metals. The exploration and exploitation of minerals are only confined to…

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Banking Lawyers in Dubai UAE
29 Oct 2017

Marketing Foreign Funds in UAE

Marketing Foreign Funds in the UAE “There are two times in a man’s life when he shouldn’t speculate: when he can’t afford it and when he can.” – Mark Twain The world of financial markets and investments often induce reserved and divergent responses from the common man. Investing options are…

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Project Finance Lawyers in Dubai
21 Oct 2017

Project Finance – Q&A – Practical Guide - UAE

Project Finance – Q&A – Practical Guide - UAE What are the key difference in the legislation in the UAE and other key international jurisdiction? In comparison with other jurisdictions, the laws regulating project financing in UAE are not stringent. The Federal Law Number 18 of 1993 concerning the Commercial…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
19 Oct 2017

Speedy Criminal Justice in Dubai

Speedy Criminal Justice in Dubai William E. Gladstone once said in a public gathering that ‘justice delayed is justice denied.' But neither the person nor the concept was new to the anxious crowd. Regarding the person, Mr. Gladstone has served as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom more times than…

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Aviation Law Firms in UAE
18 Oct 2017

Technical Aspects of Aircraft Leasing

TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF AIRCRAFT LEASING (Part 1 of 2) In the first issue of this two-part series, aviation lawyers at STA discuss the types of aircraft leasing and the legal aspects therewith. Our attorneys have on many occasions advised clients on the legalities surrounding different types of aircraft leasing and…

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