Law Blog Categories

Lawyers in Bahrain
28 Sep 2017

Tackling Post Dated Cheques in Bahrain

Tackling Post-dated Cheques in Bahrain Can an instrument of payment be offered that ensures complete safety? The reality of the latter statement is an unlikely one. The law, however, does attempt to provide security where a payment transaction fails to do so. The nooks and crevices of such law must…

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Law Firms in Dubai
19 Sep 2017

The Dubai International Financial Centre & Its Jurisdiction

DIFC: A Jurisdictional Overview The DIFC courts exist as a jurisdictional island within the Dubai panorama. The Dubai International Financial Centre (the DIFC) Courts were established back in 2004 by His Highness, Dubai's ruler at the time, Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Providing an independent administration of justice in…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
22 Aug 2017

Threat - The Role of Coercion Under UAE Law

ThREAT - THE ROLE OF COERCION UNDER UAE LAW It is almost universally accepted, both in law and with consideration of morals that agreements entered into under coercion cannot, at all, be considered binding. Thus one is not obligated to keep, and the law will not enforce, a contract you undertake to…

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Lawyers in Dubai
29 Jul 2017

Court Side Justice

Court-Side Justice ‘You don’t go on bended-knee to petition the official culture for your rights. You have to take them.’ -Terrance McKenna Countries are not sustained, and their peoples are not stable where a superior judicial system is not in place. Achieving a system of justice is not possible unless…

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Healthcare Lawyers in Dubai UAE
14 Jul 2017

The New Medical Liability Law in the UAE: A New Horizon

The New Medical Liability Law in the UAE: A New Horizon “If people understood that doctors weren't divine, perhaps the odor of malpractice might diminish.” {C}-        Richard Selzer People seek the assistance of professionals with the view of obtaining expert advice on matters that are beyond their proficiency or expertise.…

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Top Best Criminal Lawyers in UAE
14 Jul 2017

Palpable Payments

Palpable Payments - Diya or Blood Money ‘Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your (own) life. To murder innocent people?’ -Suzanne Collins This article was authored by Reem Ali, with contributions and inputs from Abdel Ghany  Although globalization is advancing at the seams of the 21st century, it…

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Criminal Lawyers in Bahrain
24 Jun 2017

Careful Conscious - A look at Bahrain's Criminal Law

Careful Conscious - A look at Bahrain's Criminal Law It is, in fact, the ability to consciously use our brains that separate us, the human race, from other animals we term as ‘wild.’ This ability is perhaps celebrated, but also to be used carefully and with caution. This ability also paves the…

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Lawyers in Dubai
27 May 2017

Labeled Liable (Part II)

Labeled Liable Part II of II “Surround yourself with assets, not liabilities.” Introduction Liability is a billion-dollar word. Legally, socially and morally, all actions are subject to and governed by a sense of moderation. A civil liability claim and the concept of abatement go hand in hand since a claim…

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Lawyers in UAE
23 May 2017

Legalities Surrounding Deposits in the UAE

Whose Money is it Anyway? The Legalities Surrounding Deposits in the UAE ‘Tiny details imperceptible to us decide everything! ’  - W.G Sebald   Some contractors may not pay attention to the phrases, conditions, or rules within their contracts. Ultimately this leads to conflicting and inadequate interpretations of clauses. For…

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Top Best Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Be Aware, else Beware

Be Aware, else Beware Part II of II   In the earlier issue, the author discussed forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other related statutes. We broadly covered – the definition it's different types (material and moral), legal implications of denial and applicability of the law of evidence. We also addressed recent…

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Essence of Financial Crimes
27 Mar 2017

The Essence of Financial Crimes

The Essence of Financial Crimes 'Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." Sophocles On a bright morning in March 2009, Bernard Mardoff pleaded guilty to defrauding his clients of sixty-five (65) billion dollars in one of the largest Ponzi schemes the world has witnessed. The former chairman of Bernard L. Mardoff Investment…

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STA Law Firm | Lawyers in Dubai
07 Jan 2017

Be Aware, else Beware (Part I of II)

Be Aware, else Beware (Part I of II) ‘Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it’s an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him’ -  John Seldon The law has provided that an ignorance of…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
01 Aug 2016

Spotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law (Part 2 of 2)

Spotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law  Part 2 of 2 In the previous issue, we discussed material aspects relating to forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other statutes. We discussed broadly – the definition of forgery, types of forgery (material and moral), legal implications of denial in light of…

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Corporate Liability: UK Bribery Act
03 Jul 2016

Corporate Liability: UK Bribery Act

Corporate Liability: The UK Bribery Act If you can shift your thinking away from merely selling and into building trust instead, even if it costs you a few bucks in profit, you’ll begin to see opportunities you never imagined once you understand what it means to ‘wow’ that customer by…

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