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Legal Updates - Page- 37

20 May 2021

Grave Penalties for promoting explicit content to Children

Grave Penalties for promoting explicit content to Children The UAE Federal public prosecution on 19 MAY 2021 pronounced that it shall be prohibited to provide any materials to children that encourage behaviors that are contrary to public order and morality. According to Article 26 of the Federal Law No. (3) of 2016 concerning child…

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19 May 2021

Amendments to COVID-19 Rules and Protocols in the Emirate of Dubai

Amendments to COVID-19 Rules and Protocols in the Emirate of Dubai As of May 17, 2021, the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai has revised the precautionary steps for events and activities for a ‘one-month trial period’. The amendments can be categorized under the following sub-points. Social…

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18 May 2021

The Ajman Police break Guinness World Record with the longest online human chain

The Ajman Police break Guinness World Record with the longest online human chain Ajman Police achieved a new Guinness World Record on May 18, 2021, with a lengthy video message honouring the front-line fighters in the COVID-19 pandemic, in which 303 persons from 31 different countries took part. The biggest ever number of…

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17 May 2021

Starting June 1, UAE will allow 100% foreign business ownership

Starting June 1, UAE will allow 100% foreign business ownership The amended Commercial Companies Law, which will enable foreign investors and entrepreneurs to form and completely own onshore companies, will take effect on June 1st, 2021, according to the UAE Ministry of Economy. The UAE government recently amended the Commercial…

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16 May 2021

Abu Dhabi Courts introduces Legal Reforms for non-Arabic speakers

Abu Dhabi Courts introduces Legal Reforms for non-Arabic speakers The residents of Abu Dhabi can now appeal decisions made by the Court of First Instance by filling out online forms in English or Arabic, without the need for legal assistance, according to an official. The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD)…

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10 May 2021

Dubai Tourism Comply the hotels with sustainability requirements by July 1, 2021

Dubai Tourism Comply the hotels with sustainability requirements by July 1, 2021 The Dubai Tourism Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) urged hotels to adhere to the area's sustainability requirements and resume reporting of carbon emissions by July 1, 2021. Dubai Sustainable Tourism (DST) has previously established the…

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