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Good samaritan law

Good Samaritan law receives go-ahead in UAE


A good Samaritan is an individual who goes out of their way to help those in need with no thought given to personal gain or anything similar. The term itself arises from a biblical story of an individual who did just that. They aided another when they were robbed and beaten, thus, modern-day do-gooders are referred to as such.

However, modern-day laws and regulations, there is more that needs to be considered before one inserts themselves into any situation, as there may be legal ramifications which they have not foreseen; that could come around to cause them trouble.

On the other hand, it is recognized that those who wish to do good should perhaps not be punished for doing so, or laws should at least exist to provide them protection. The UAE has recently just approved of such a law, which will be enforced in the near future.

UAE Good Samaritan Law

They need for good samaritan law has been contemplated in the country for some time and there have been protections provided to those where such a law should apply. However, it has recently been revealed that a good Samaritan law has in fact been approved of and is expected to come into effect in 2019. The exact date of this is currently unknown.

This is a good step to take as without such a law in place, individuals are expected to stay away from situations wherein they might otherwise help and potentially save lives. While the paramedics and other such professionals are often near and available to assist, in life-threatening situations, every second matter.

It may seem a long time coming, however, UAE is already aware of the issue and is lenient towards those who attempt to assist. A law would simply cement this attitude and provide concrete articles which the general public can base their decisions on.