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The United States of America Capital Punishment

 The United States of America reinstated Capital Punishment

The Attorney General, Mr. William Barr, issued a direction to the Federal Bureau of Prisoners (BOP) for adopting the addendum which qualifies for resuming capital punishment after nearly 20 years of its stoppage. Accordingly, as a quick step, the Acting Director of the BOP was immediately ordered to schedule executions for five (5) prisoners who were convicted of murder of the elderly and children.

The Department of Justice quoted that the “The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”

The Federal Execution Protocol Addendum additionally replace the three-drug procedure with pentobarbital which is the same drug as used in Georgia and Texas. This press release also included the names of the convicted inmates and the crimes which they committed.