Law Blog Categories

Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
14 Jul 2020

Extradition Treaty of UAE

Extradition Treaty of UAE In International Law, extradition is when one state (Requesting state) requests another state (Requested state), to effect the return of a person for trial for a crime punishable under the Requesting state's laws and committed outside the Requested state (state of refuge). The extraditable person could…

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Company regulation in ADGM
30 Jun 2020

ADGM Company Regulations 2020

ADGM Company Regulations 2020 Abu Dhabi's decision to set up a financial center, known as the Abu Dhabi Global Market ("ADGM") has opened doors for international business. ADGM has its own published rules and regulations as well as Registrar of Companies (Registrar) and a Financial Services Regulator. Further, a court…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
30 Jun 2020

Sweat Equity Shares

Sweat Equity Shares A Achar “A small piece of a big pie is better than a large piece of a small pie.” Those who embrace this adage willfully are the most successful entrepreneurs and investors in the world. If your heroes are the likes of Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, or Musk,…

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arbitration lawyers in Abu Dhabi
28 Jun 2020

FIFA; before and after Electing Court of Arbitration for Sports

FIFA; before and after Electing Court of Arbitration for Sports Introduction Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in 1904 to supervise international football competitions, with its headquarters in Zurich. FIFA now has 211 national associations as members and is divided into regional confederations: Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, South…

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Lawyers in Dubai
25 Jun 2020

Guide to International Arbitration

Guide to International Arbitration "When will mankind be convinced and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration?"- Benjamin Franklin     A year ago, it seemed as if Brexit was finally about to happen. One year on, they are in the same position again. At one point, albeit, it seemed likely…

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Shipping law firms in Dubai
25 Jun 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on the Shipping and Maritime Industry

Impact of COVID-19 on the Shipping and Maritime Industry The outbreak of the infectious disease named as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the newly discovered coronavirus has caused chaos and panic all over the world causing the ceasing of all normal daily activities like going to work, a walk…

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Lawyers in Dubai
22 Jun 2020

Amendments to UAE Federal Law Number 8 of 2019 : Family Law

Amendments Introduced by Federal Law Number 8 of 2019 the UAE Family Law The Abu Dhabi Statistics Centre (ADSC) had revealed that about 30 percent of the divorces that took place in 2018 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was dissolved within the first year of marriage. A total of 5,467…

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copyright lawyers in UAE
21 Jun 2020

Software Protection against Infringement in the UAE

Software Infringements in the UAE Software piracy or violation of a software license, is an illegal action that occurs due to unsanctioned use, distribution, exploitation and/or reproduction of copyrighted software. With the technology roar, it is very fundamental that an economy in its full strength and thrive be able to…

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Lawyers in Dubai
14 Jun 2020

Economic Substance Regulation 2019 and 2020 UAE

Economic Substance Regulation 2019 and 2020 UAE The UAE Cabinet issued the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution Number 31 of 2019 concerning economic substance regulations in the UAE (the "Regulations") on 30 April 2019. The Regulations require the UAE entities ("Relevant Entities") that carry out any of the activities listed as…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
14 Jun 2020

Alternative Investment Funds

Alternative Investment Funds A CNBC article noted, "With the Stock market bland and the bond market bubbling, investors may have to search elsewhere in the months ahead for return." The investors who are tired of the stock markets wrench and their volatility and who have been continuously looking out for…

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Lawyers in Dubai
11 Jun 2020

Competition Law in UAE

Competition Law in UAE If a certain organization succeeds in overtaking the market by outshining its competitors, then the competitors face abuse of a dominant position which leads to a competitive market being governed by erroneous marketing mechanisms. Such erroneous market mechanisms would also include within its ambit where two…

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Financial lawyers in Dubai
31 May 2020

UAE Mutual Fund Regulations

Mutual Fund Regulations For years, it has been pointed out that the majority of funds underperform the market. But not all of them! Well-chosen funds can provide quick and easy exposure to the market's various sectors and industries, lending the portfolio the kind of diversification that can help insulate one…

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intellectual Property Laws in UAE
31 May 2020

Joint Ownership of Intellectual Property

Joint Ownership of Intellectual Property   Introduction Henry David Thoreau said, “the world is a canvas to the imagination.” This is very accurate as ideas are the foundation of any success, business, or personal. Depending on the effort put and the extensive research into the innovation, it is safe to…

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banking lawyers in Dubai
30 May 2020

Transfer of Shares in UAE

Transfer of Shares in UAE The governing of transfer of shares in a company is done by Federal Law Number 2/2015 on Commercial Companies Law (CCL) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The different types of companies that can be set up under the CCL comprise of a joint liability…

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