Law Blog Categories

intellectual Property Laws in UAE
23 Aug 2018

Factors That Affect Trade Dress's Longevity

Trade Dress Protection The expansion of international trade and an increase in foreign direct investment is likely to have contributed to the conflict of trademark laws between foreign countries. More recently a fundamental issue arising out of the application of trademark is law the subject matter which it can protect.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
19 Aug 2018

Litigation Privileges - A Look at Well-Known Citations

Litigation Privilege as Understood Through Cases ENRC v SFO; Bilta v RBS and R v Jukes The definition of Litigation privilege is non-disclosure protection imposed on documents which come into existence after litigation commenced or in contemplation of such litigation, or where their creation was in the view or such…

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Lawyers in Dubai
16 Aug 2018

Arbitration in the United Arab Emirates

Joinder and Consolidation in UAE Arbitration   Introduction The United Arab Emirates with USD 37,600 per capita GDP is considered one of the most suitable countries for investment. The UAE has an open economy, high per capita income, stable political environment and pro-investment legislations promoting confidence among the business community.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
15 Aug 2018

Cryptocurrency– A Magical Bubble or The Future of Currency?

Cryptocurrency– A Magical Bubble or The Future of Currency? The noise and media surrounding the notion of cryptocurrency have been increasing the curiosity rapidly. Before curiosity kills the cat, let's walk through the story of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is an innovative and a virtual currency that utilizes cryptography for security and…

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Lawyers in Dubai
13 Aug 2018

Contract Law and Position of Third Parties

The UAE Contract Law and Position of Third Parties Contractual relations are relations we enter into every day of our lives, whether express or implied, whether formally or informally. When people go to the grocery store, at the check-out counter, they enter into a contractual relationship with the store. They…

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Law Firms in Abu Dhabi
31 Jul 2018

Testamentary Trust Vs. Living Trust

Testamentary Vs. Living Trust   Time is an unchanging constant throughout our world. Forever moving in one direction, pushing us all into the hazy future. There is little exact certainty in what we plan for in the longer term, and nowhere is this more apparent in law than in living…

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Lawyers in Dubai
30 Jul 2018

Company Formation in Kuwait Free Trade Zone

Company Formation in Kuwait Free Trade Zone Kuwait, also known as the Fruitful Land of the Gulf is considered to be a land of opportunities. The country’s richness lies in the natural resources like oil and gas but also the real wealth of the nation lies in its human capital as…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
29 Jul 2018

The Law, the iPhone and Facial Recognition - Part II

eye-Phone: Legal Issues about Apple's New Facial Recognition  Feature – Part II The ever-changing technology the law is always trying to keep up its pace as now the interaction of law and technology is more critical than ever. The ungoverned technology is a danger to the society if drones are flying…

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Lawyers in Dubai
28 Jul 2018

Company Formation in DAFZA

Dubai Airport Free Zone   1.  What was the establishing law of this free zone, and what are the main internal regulations governing it?  Dubai Airport Free (DAF) Zone was established by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai by Dubai Law No. 2/1996 and received…

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Lawyers in Dubai
21 Jul 2018

Guide on Initail Public Offerings in the GCC 2018-2019

Guide on Initial Public Offerings in the GCC 2018-2019 Introduction The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first occasion on which a company will have shares put up on a stock market. An investment bank will underwrite the IPO and will arrange for the listing of the shares on one…

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Law Firms in Dubai
17 Jul 2018

Limiting the Liability : United Arab Emirates

Limitation Funds in UAE As with most of the world’s trading countries, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has embraced international conventions in its national laws which, in certain conditions, allow carriers such as shipowners to confine their liability for claims made against them. Archaeologically, the reason for letting shipowners limit their…

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Lawyers in Dubai
11 Jul 2018

Law of Sports - Dispute Resolution

Law of Sports - Dispute Resolution The legal community argues on pros and cons of arbitration. That said, we cannot undermine its benefits. It has become an accessible medium for resolving disputes in the sports sector. One can corroborate it by the fact that a specialized quasi-judicial body known as…

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Lawyers in Dubai
10 Jul 2018

The Statute of Limitation in UAE

Acquisitive Limitation Period Introduction "The right is not going to be lost if someone behind is demanding it” which means that one will not lose his right as long as there is a request. Hence, the legislators derived the Statute of Limitation, which says that the parties must adhere to…

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Lawyers in Dubai
08 Jul 2018

Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business – UAE

Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business – UAE “Money does buy satisfaction if you spend it the right way,” while the creation and development of currency seem elusive, money is the way we get the things we need and want. Money is the medium of exchange that is used to…

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