Law Blog Categories

Shipping Law Firms in Dubai
22 Aug 2017

Maritime Arbitration- Legal Perspectives

Maritime Arbitration- Legal Perspectives Courts can no longer individually address the issue of conflict resolution and as such the modern business world requires an alternative means of conflict resolution to meet its demands. A need arises for a legal mechanism through which parties can resolve their disputes quickly, fairly, efficiently,…

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Technology Law Firm in Dubai
31 Jul 2017

Are You App Safe?

Are You App Safe? “People have forgotten this truth," the fox said. "But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”  - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry It was in the land of far away, and serenity paraded green landscapes, flowers, dew, rain…

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Lawyers in Dubai
29 Jul 2017

Court Side Justice

Court-Side Justice ‘You don’t go on bended-knee to petition the official culture for your rights. You have to take them.’ -Terrance McKenna Countries are not sustained, and their peoples are not stable where a superior judicial system is not in place. Achieving a system of justice is not possible unless…

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Special Purpose Companies | Special Purpose Vehicles UAE | ADGM SPV
22 Jul 2017

Special Purpose Vehicles

  Special Purpose Companies or Vehicles (the SPCs or SPVs) are temporary companies set up to achieve a precisely structured financial operation. SPCs provide an alternative mode of financing transactions. Put simply they are subsidiary companies of a parent company, whose assets are protected from the actions of the parent company.…

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19 Jul 2017

Too Much of FATCA

Too Much of FATCA! Renowned author and entrepreneur, Mark Twain, once said, ‘tax is a fine for doing well; whereas, a fine is a tax for doing wrong.' Now, the question on hand is which one of the two the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (the FATCA) would get unseated!…

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Construction Lawyers in Dubai
14 Jul 2017

FIDIC and the ENAA: A Careful Comparison

FIDIC AND ENAA COMPARISION In the complex and technical world of construction and large manufacturing projects, the contracts and negotiations on the terms of an agreement between the parties are a means to keep the complex relation of parties within the bounds of clear understanding by utilizing a standard form…

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Top Best Criminal Lawyers in UAE
14 Jul 2017

Palpable Payments

Palpable Payments - Diya or Blood Money ‘Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your (own) life. To murder innocent people?’ -Suzanne Collins This article was authored by Reem Ali, with contributions and inputs from Abdel Ghany  Although globalization is advancing at the seams of the 21st century, it…

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Corporate Lawyers in Dubai and UAE
29 Jun 2017

Value Creation Through Mergers and Acquisitions

  The word 'efficiency' may not mean much for those of you who were absent during economics class in school. It is a term around which the whole concept of economic studies in based. Investopedia[i] defines 'efficiency' as the allocation of resources in an optimal manner to serve a company…

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Top IT Law Firms in Dubai
24 Jun 2017

Cyber Crimes & Courts

Cyber Crimes & Courts Jurisdiction (by default) is the practical and ultimate authority within the legal society to administer, review and to execute laws and regulations within a well-defined area of region and responsibility. Therefore, immediately following the commission of a crime within a particular state, the judicial body in that province…

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shipping lawyers in UAE
14 Jun 2017

Cargo Claims in UAE

Cargo Claims in UAE “The good seaman weathers the storm he cannot avoid, and avoids the storm he cannot weather.” Cargo claims are primarily commercial rights. As the whole purpose of trade in maritime is to deliver cargo from point A to B, thereby promoting international trade and enhancing economies…

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Lawyers in UAE
10 Jun 2017

Environmental Global Guide 2017-2018

Environmental regulatory framework What are the key pieces of environmental legislation and the regulatory authorities? Legislation The primary legislation for environmental protection in the UAE is Federal Law Number 24 of 1999 for the protection and development of the environment (Environmental Law). Other laws relevant to environmental issues are: Federal…

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Top Lawyers in Dubai
08 Jun 2017

UAE Commercial Companies Law - Responsibility of New Partner(s)

Legal Responsibility of the New Partner in a Company New and strategic partnerships can be a great way to reinvigorate a dull and lackluster business. This exercise has been carried out several times over the past few years by Fortune 200 companies choosing to partner to establish a stronghold on their market.…

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Trademark Registration Guide for GCC - STA Law Firm
05 Jun 2017

Trademark Registration Guide - GCC (Updated June 2017)

Trademark Registration in GCC Countries Country and Applicable Legislation Length of Trademark (in years) Trademark Definition Eligible Applicants Documentation Requirement Language Requirement and Procedures Treaty/ Classification Treaty/Classification Benefits Trademark Registration in UAE United Arab Emirates (the UAE ). The UAE Trademark Law Number 37 of 1992 was amended by Law number…

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Arbitration Lawyers in Dubai
04 Jun 2017

The Effect of Brexit on International Arbitration

The Effect of Brexit on International Arbitration ‘When life gives you orange, make orange juice'1 Does life always give oranges, you may ask? To some, oranges are acidic but for a few a morning without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. They are packed with vitamin C and…but…

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