Law Blog Categories

Lawyers in Dubai
27 May 2017

Labeled Liable (Part II)

Labeled Liable Part II of II “Surround yourself with assets, not liabilities.” Introduction Liability is a billion-dollar word. Legally, socially and morally, all actions are subject to and governed by a sense of moderation. A civil liability claim and the concept of abatement go hand in hand since a claim…

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Trademark Registration in Dubai
24 May 2017

An Analysis on Trademark Dilutions in US & EU

An Analysis on Trademark Dilution in US and EU   ‘Did you sleep well?’, Enquired Mr. S while sipping a steaming cup of latte in her client’s office. Mr. P, the client, replied indifferently ‘I don’t think I would be able to rest my eyes until we get a grip…

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Lawyers in UAE
23 May 2017

Legalities Surrounding Deposits in the UAE

Whose Money is it Anyway? The Legalities Surrounding Deposits in the UAE ‘Tiny details imperceptible to us decide everything! ’  - W.G Sebald   Some contractors may not pay attention to the phrases, conditions, or rules within their contracts. Ultimately this leads to conflicting and inadequate interpretations of clauses. For…

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Construction Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
23 May 2017

Construction Law and the Application of Time

Construction Law and the Application of Time   Power can not confer to what does not exist. Humankind has needed something to organize and structure his life, so we created time. So that, we using time as a benchmark can keep ourselves in check.  It is, essentially, a social construct,…

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Banking Lawyers in Dubai
20 May 2017

Guarantee - Law, and Practice in UAE

Guarantee - Law, and Practice in UAE “Credit is a 'system' wherein a person who can't pay, gets another person who can't pay, to guarantee that he can pay.” - Charles Dickens     In this modern world of fragile finances, the irony of Charles Dickens’ statement is well understood.…

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Aviation Law Firm in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Aircraft Mortgages (Part III of III)

Aircraft Mortgages Part III of III For those seeking adventure, the adrenaline of in-flight turbulence is boisterous whereas for most it’s an ill-timed and nerve-wracking experience. Turbulence also has an effect on the aircraft itself. Apparently, science lags behind here, but then aircraft cost millions of dollars. This high price-tag…

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Patent Lawyers in UAE
30 Apr 2017

‘Alice’ Through the Looking Glass

‘Alice’ Through the Looking Glass “Upon filing a patent claim, your job is merely quarter done.” -    Kalyan C. Kankanala   Try to make up your mind on the answer to one question before commencing your spell-binding read of this article. Now, the debacle that calls for a response…

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Top Best Law Firms in UAE
30 Apr 2017

The World Wide War of Brands

The World Wide War of Brands Once upon a time, there were two large fast food chains X and Y, who were prominent in serving their millions of customers with gourmet burgers. However, the lively competitiveness between them turned bitter when X advertised that their gourmet burgers were fresher and…

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Technology Lawyers in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Privacy; a Price Paid for Technology?

Privacy, a Price Paid for Technology? "The difference between Technology and Slavery is that slaves are well aware that they are not free." - Naseem Nicholas Taleb   A study conducted in July 2016 revealed that a significant number of people agreed to the terms of service of a fake…

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Bankruptcy lawyers in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Liquidation of Limited Liability Companies (LLC) in UAE

Liquidation of Limited Liability Companies in the UAE Introduction: The dawn of 2015 showcased significant developments in the United Arab Emirates when Federal Law Number 2 of 2015 (the Companies Law). This statute amended the major portion of the law governing legal entities in the country’s mainland. The Companies Law…

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Insurance Lawyers in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Fair Share - An Overview of Insurance Web Aggregators

Fair Share - An Overview of Insurance Web Aggregators  “When action grows unprofitable, gather information” -Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness   From driverless cars to high-tech drones, mankind reveals an inclination to innovate first and plan later. The internet, for instance, has developed so fast making…

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Top Best Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
30 Apr 2017

Be Aware, else Beware

Be Aware, else Beware Part II of II   In the earlier issue, the author discussed forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other related statutes. We broadly covered – the definition it's different types (material and moral), legal implications of denial and applicability of the law of evidence. We also addressed recent…

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Property Lawyers in UAE
29 Mar 2017

FIDIC in the Middle East - The Must Knows for Industry Players

FIDIC in the Middle East - The Must Knows for Industry Players   The UAE industry has seldom been ignorant to internationally set standards- that in more than one ways.    Originally established as an organization by three founding countries Belgium, France, and Switzerland- today FIDIC, which is an abbreviation…

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Essence of Financial Crimes
27 Mar 2017

The Essence of Financial Crimes

The Essence of Financial Crimes 'Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." Sophocles On a bright morning in March 2009, Bernard Mardoff pleaded guilty to defrauding his clients of sixty-five (65) billion dollars in one of the largest Ponzi schemes the world has witnessed. The former chairman of Bernard L. Mardoff Investment…

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