Law Blog Categories

Aircraft Mortgages | STA Law Firm
05 Jan 2017

Aircraft Mortgages (Part II of III)

Aircraft Mortgages (Part II of III) “99% of everything done in the world, good or bad, is done to pay a mortgage. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented.” Thank You for Smoking (2005) - Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) Due to the primarily finance driven the…

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UAE Construction Law
05 Jan 2017

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change?

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change? Construction has been one of the most dynamic industrial sectors in the Middle East due to the increase in need of palatial residential and office spaces that arise from the surfeit of expatriates that flock into the region every year.…

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Company formation in Abu Dhabi Global Market
18 Oct 2016

Judicial cooperation between ADGM and ABU DHABI judiciary

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” -Nelson Mandela Free zones in the country have always experienced salient growth due to the flexible and international standards that are exhibited by the concerned authorities. The Abu Dhabi…

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Property Lawyers in UAE
18 Oct 2016

Survival Of The Fittest - Asset Securitization in the UAE

The global financial market has been constantly remodeling itself, more so in the wake of the global economic meltdown which tainted asset securitization activity. One can often draw parallels between the ever-changing economy and the manner in which securitization activity is fast becoming a desired source of diversified finance enabling…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
01 Aug 2016

The New Abu Dhabi Strata Law

The New Abu Dhabi Strata Law Nothing sets my teeth on edge like a real estate hoarding screaming ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’. If one were to apply such signs in actual terms, I wonder whether the next hoarding that will knock my teeth off will read ‘Buy One, Get One…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
01 Aug 2016

Spotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law (Part 2 of 2)

Spotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law  Part 2 of 2 In the previous issue, we discussed material aspects relating to forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other statutes. We discussed broadly – the definition of forgery, types of forgery (material and moral), legal implications of denial in light of…

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Corporate Lawyers in Dubai
01 Aug 2016

Need for Speed: Summary Proceedings under UAE Law

Need for Speed: Summary Proceedings under UAE Law The judicial system of a country is the pivotal recourse that is available to the public in order to resolve their disputes without taking law and order in one’s hands. However, the courts consume time to analyze and conclude on an issue…

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Islamic Finance Lawyers in Dubai
01 Aug 2016

Clash of Jurisdictions: Applicability of Islamic Finance Principles under English Law

Clash of Jurisdictions Applicability of Islamic Finance Principles under English Law As in any religion, one may argue, there exists a spectrum of devout belief spanning from those who strictly follow the teachings of the Qur’an, to those that rarely feel the impact of their faith on a daily basis.…

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Aviation Lawyers in Dubai
01 Aug 2016

Aircraft Mortgages

  Aircraft Mortgages STA's team of aviation lawyers discuss the technical aspects surrounding aircraft financing, mortgages, governing law and court precedents under global context.   An economy's financial markets are critical to its overall development. Banking systems and stock markets enhance growth and development, the principal factor in poverty reduction.…

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Media and Entertainment Lawyers in Dubai - STA Law Firm
03 Jul 2016


Re-MEDIA-ble – A discussion on contracts relevant to Media and Entertainment Industry In this Article, Zisha Rizvi discusses the ongoing trends in the Media and Entertainment Industry within the United Arab Emirates, the status of free zone media houses and a brief on the compliance requirements. “I holly- wood”. On…

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Private Secondary Buyouts - Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jul 2016

Private Secondary Buyouts

Private Equity Secondary Buyouts (SBOs) Private Equity (PE) secondary buyouts are often used as exiting strategy for investment besides initial public offerings (IPOs) or acquisitions and also considered as panic sales. In Secondary buy-outs (SBO) a Target which is owned by a PE provider and management is acquired by another…

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Who’s Fooling Whom? Combating Counterfeits: The UAE Context
20 Jun 2016

Who’s Fooling Whom? Combating Counterfeits: The UAE Context

Who’s Fooling Whom? Combating Counterfeits: The UAE Context   “If buyers wish to be snobs, the law will protect them in their snobbery. i”    Consumer industry is demanding and precisely so when it relates to high-end luxury at a fraction of the retail cost. One would be only foolish…

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Forgery - Dubai and UAE Law | Criminal Lawyers in Dubai | STA Law Firm
08 Jun 2016

Spotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law

Spotting the Fake: Forgery under UAE Law  (Part 1 of 2) The creation of an idea, a work of art involves persistence and a visionary acumen, to say the least. Such is the allurement surrounding element of individuality that it has continued to lure the less privileged into forgery from time…

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OW Bunker Dilemma - STA Law Firm - Shipping Law Firm - Dubai, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Middle East, Asia
08 Jun 2016

OW Bunker Dilemma

OW Bunker Dilemma Who to pay when the bunker supplier becomes insolvent 1.   Introduction The collapse of OW Bunker group (the OW) has been extensively reported worldwide. OW has been one of the world’s largest bunker suppliers filed for bankruptcy in 2014. The financial collapse of OW has far-reaching consequences…

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