Law Blog Categories

IVF Law Business Dubai
04 Dec 2014

IVF- Maybe Baby

“And the question is always "When are you going to have kids?" Rather than "Do you want to have kids?”  The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as the inability to conceive a child. It should not come as a surprise that owing to lifestyle changes, food habits and the…

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STA Law Firm - ADGM
19 Nov 2014

Abu Dhabi Global Markets

The financial sector has always been volatile. Yet, the increasing interest it has drawn from public sector initiatives across the globe remain noteworthy. In 2013, the Chinese government introduced the China Pilot Free Trade Zone which was speculated to provide a blueprint for reforming the financial sector. This free zone…

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UAE Succession Law
25 Sep 2014

UAE Succession Law : FAQs on Wills and More!

WHERE THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY: FAQs ON SUCCESSION LAW “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.”           Theodore Roosevelt   The Islamic laws of…

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STA Law Firm - Arbitration in UAE - Arbitrators
24 Sep 2014

Arbitration in the UAE

Arbitration in the UAE Any discussion on recent developments in the field of civil litigation must address the virtual revolution that has taken place with regards to alternative dispute resolution. Needless to say that the legal system has witnessed a steady growth in litigants’ recourse to Alternative dispute resolution (the…

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Due Diligence - Dubai Real Estate Lawyers, Law Firm
23 Sep 2014

Due Diligence in Real Estate - A Look at Dubai's Property Regulations

Obvious, really, yet “performing due diligence” is a phrase readily associated with the legal industry. Reminding ourselves of the basic definition realizes that we each “perform due diligence” hundreds of times per day. We might check the weather forecast or traffic reports before leaving the house, read reviews before selecting…

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INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty | STA Law Firm
23 Sep 2014

INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty

INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty When former Central Intelligence Agency employee and National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the details of the secret surveillance program of the United States, he had to flee the United States under charges of espionage. But can fleeing away to another country prevent…

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Fraud and Deceit Under UAE Law
05 Sep 2014

Fraud and Deceit under the UAE law

“Fraud and deceit abound in these days more than in former times”1    Lord Coke could have been talking just as easily about the modern day. Hundreds of thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent activities each year. A number of these crimes go unpunished as the brains behind these…

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UAE Succession Law
02 Sep 2014

FAQs on Succession Law

Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way:    “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.”                      …

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Registration of Color trademarks
16 Jul 2014

Color, My Color! Registration of Color Trademarks

Tippy tippy tap…what color are you? Registration of Color marks Feeling blue or are you seeing red because you are turning green with jealousy at the neighbor’s new car? Colors are not only used to describe the emotions we are feeling, but they are imperative in the world we live…

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Forensics in Dubai and UAE - Criminal Prosecution - Dubai Courts
08 Jul 2014

Role of Forensics In Criminal Investigation in the UAE - Sherlock Holmes of Today

Role of Forensics In Criminal Investigation in the UAE “Fingerprints cannot lie, but liars can make fingerprints. Jekyll’s finger patterns remain the same when he transforms himself into Hyde.”                                                                                                                                                                                 Henry Faulds The unconscious human will step, touch and leave a witness behind. This is the evidence that cannot be…

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Don't Steal My Smell - Smell trademarks
21 May 2014

Don’t Steal my Smell: Registration of Smell Marks

Registration of Smell, Fragrance, Olfactory marks and Aroma Trademarks - Global Overview What’s in a smell? Smell is one of the five senses. Human mind reacts differently to smells. Smell is abstract and often gets linked to obscure events such as the smell of success or smelling a rat. ‘Would…

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Ijarah, Arbitration, Dubai Law, Lawyers, STA
16 May 2014

Ijarah and Arbitration

Questions that are generally debated these days within business and legal diasporas pertain to the recession aftermath. These questions seek to inquire matters such as i) what led to the recession, ii) could it have been prevented and; iii) what do we learn from this precedent? For instance, let us…

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arbitration in Dubai - STA Law Firm - Copyrights Protected
14 May 2014

Arbitration in Dubai and the UAE

Arbitration in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) In our previous newsletter issue, we addressed the legal aspects of arbitration under the UAE Civil Code and further understanding legislature’s intention in developing arbitration as alternative means of resolving disputes. The article clarified that parties choosing to opt for arbitration…

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Carbon Credits and Law
05 May 2014

Even CO2 sells!

It is the striking imagery of global warming that opens our eyes to the idea of climate change. The melting snow caps, the stranded polar bears, declining air quality and the rising ocean temperatures are images that have had a searing effect on the human mind and encouraged dialogues about…

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