Law Blog Categories

Cross-Border Crime Lawyers
17 Dec 2014

Cross-Border Crime and Extradition (Part I)

They say that crime doesn’t pay. But whether it pays or not it certainly sells, at least with Hollywood movies, computer games, fictitious novels all reaping the benefits of the public’s general fascination with the subject. Generally, the term “crime” may cover anything from a road traffic offense to a…

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Food poisoning
04 Dec 2014

Food Poisoning under UAE Law - FAQs

Q1. I went to a restaurant last week with my family. Post our meal, we suffered from a terrible bout of food poisoning. Can you please advise me on what we can do? I want to ensure that no one else suffers the way we did. A1.   It is essential that…

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Whistle-blowing UAE Law
18 Nov 2014

Whistle-Blowing - A Silent Noise

Should I not hear, as I lie down in the dust, The horns of glory blowing above my burial?                                                              …

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Medical Malpractice Law
10 Nov 2014

Medical Negligence - Frequently asked Questions

Q1. What exactly do you mean by medical malpractice? Ans.      All doctors and medical practitioners have an obligation to their patients to ensure that they are providing a certain standard of care. When a doctor or medical practitioners fails to meet this standard, it can come to be known…

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INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty | STA Law Firm
23 Sep 2014

INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty

INDIA UAE Extradition Treaty When former Central Intelligence Agency employee and National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the details of the secret surveillance program of the United States, he had to flee the United States under charges of espionage. But can fleeing away to another country prevent…

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Fraud and Deceit Under UAE Law
05 Sep 2014

Fraud and Deceit under the UAE law

“Fraud and deceit abound in these days more than in former times”1    Lord Coke could have been talking just as easily about the modern day. Hundreds of thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent activities each year. A number of these crimes go unpunished as the brains behind these…

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Forensics in Dubai and UAE - Criminal Prosecution - Dubai Courts
08 Jul 2014

Role of Forensics In Criminal Investigation in the UAE - Sherlock Holmes of Today

Role of Forensics In Criminal Investigation in the UAE “Fingerprints cannot lie, but liars can make fingerprints. Jekyll’s finger patterns remain the same when he transforms himself into Hyde.”                                                                                                                                                                                 Henry Faulds The unconscious human will step, touch and leave a witness behind. This is the evidence that cannot be…

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Offenses Against Family
26 May 2014

Offenses Against the Family

The enactment of penal laws requires an initial policy determination as to (1) those social and individual interests which should be protected by the criminal processes and (2) the kinds of conduct that should be proscribed [i]. In determining whether a criminal sanction should be imposed on accused, the courts…

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Medical Malpractice Law
31 Mar 2014

Medical Malpractice under UAE Law

“The malpractice is an error occurs due to the unfamiliarity of a practitioner with the technical aspects which each practitioner is assumed to be familiar with, due to negligence or paying insufficient efforts.” On its way upward when the United Arab Emirates was well transformed into a country of ravishing…

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STA Law Firm - Information Technology Lawyers
12 Mar 2014

Cybercrime and UAE Law

From coding a logic bomb to malicious hacking and from the formation of ransomware gangs to spear phishing, no computer in the cyber world is today immune from an electronic misdeed that continues to grow and develop and at the same time survive criminal prosecution in many instances. The year…

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