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Overview Saudi Arabia and Morocco Initiate Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program

Published on : 24 Jun 2024

Saudi Arabia and Morocco Initiate Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program

In a significant move to enhance collaboration in intellectual property (IP) management, the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) and the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) have jointly inaugurated a Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program. This initiative is poised to expedite the patent application process by allowing each office to leverage examination results from the other, thereby accelerating the patent grant phase. The collaboration aims to address the backlog of patent applications and foster efficiency through shared resources and expertise, reflecting a commitment to innovation and technological advancement.

Enhancing Patent Application Efficiency

The PPH pilot program between SAIP and OMPIC is designed to streamline the patent application process. By utilizing the examination results from one another, both offices can significantly reduce the time required to process patent applications. This initiative is particularly beneficial for patent applicants in Saudi Arabia and Morocco, as it allows them to benefit from a more efficient and expedited patent grant process. The reduced processing time not only addresses the backlog of patent applications but also enhances the quality of granted patents.

The Signing Ceremony

The formal agreement was signed during a joint commission meeting held in Casablanca, which was chaired by Abdelaziz Babqiqi, the Director General of OMPIC, and Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al-Suwailem, the Executive President of SAIP. This meeting also served as a platform to discuss various collaborative ventures between the two offices. Key discussions revolved around exchanging insights into the latest developments in industrial property within their respective countries. Additionally, both offices shared experiences and best practices in managing and scrutinizing applications for industrial property protection, paving the way for a more robust IP framework.

Expanding Collaborative Efforts

Beyond the primary focus on patent processing efficiency, the collaboration between SAIP and OMPIC aims to explore emerging domains such as artificial intelligence (AI) and information and communication technology (ICT). By venturing into these novel realms, both offices are demonstrating a forward-looking approach to IP management, ensuring that they stay abreast of technological advancements and their implications for intellectual property.


Broader Cooperation and Training Programs

The partnership between SAIP and OMPIC is not limited to the PPH pilot program. Both offices have agreed to share information on the latest developments in their respective countries and best practices for IP management. This exchange of information is crucial for fostering a deeper understanding of each office's processes and procedures, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective IP management.

Geographical indications protection and valorization systems were also key topics of discussion during the meeting. Participants exchanged experiences in this domain and discussed activities aimed at promoting awareness among enterprises regarding the significance of industrial property protection and rights compliance. Notably, training programs devised by both offices to bolster the capabilities of pertinent stakeholders were highlighted. These training programs are essential for building the skills and knowledge required to navigate the complexities of IP management effectively.

Strengthening International Partnerships

The launch of the PPH pilot program between SAIP and OMPIC is the latest addition to Saudi Arabia's growing list of international partnerships under the pilot program. SAIP has previously established PPH collaborations with various patent offices worldwide, including Singapore, the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, and the European Patent Office. These partnerships underscore Saudi Arabia's commitment to fostering a conducive environment for innovation and intellectual property protection, further solidifying its position as a global hub for research and development.

Benefits for Patent Applicants

Patent applicants in Saudi Arabia can now take advantage of streamlined PPH programs when filing for patents in partner countries, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria. This streamlined process is advantageous for applicants as it reduces the time and effort required to obtain patents in multiple jurisdictions. By leveraging examination results from one office in another, applicants can enjoy a more efficient and coordinated approach to patent prosecution.

Commitment to Innovation and Technological Advancement

The collaboration between SAIP and OMPIC reflects a broader commitment to innovation and technological advancement. By focusing on emerging domains such as AI and ICT, both offices are positioning themselves at the forefront of technological innovation. This forward-looking approach is essential for staying competitive in the global IP landscape and ensuring that both Saudi Arabia and Morocco remain attractive destinations for research and development activities.


The PPH pilot program between SAIP and OMPIC marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship between Saudi Arabia and Morocco. By streamlining the patent application process and fostering collaboration in emerging technological domains, both offices are taking a proactive approach to enhancing their IP frameworks. This initiative not only addresses the backlog of patent applications but also promotes a more efficient and effective approach to IP management. This collaboration underscores the importance of international partnerships in fostering a conducive environment for innovation and intellectual property protection, ultimately benefiting patent applicants and stakeholders in both countries. As Saudi Arabia and Morocco continue to explore new areas of cooperation, the future of IP management in both nations looks promising, with a strong emphasis on efficiency, innovation, and technological advancement.


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