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Legal Updates - Page- 48

08 Feb 2021

Australian Patent Law Update – The High Court reversed more than 100 years of law, favoring the US Doctrine of Exhaustion

Australian Patent Law Update – The High Court reversed more than 100 years of law, favoring the US Doctrine of Exhaustion At the end of last year, the High Court of Australia reversed more than 100 years of precedent when it put down its decision in Calidad Pty Ltd v…

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04 Feb 2021

Oman: Amendments to FCIL

Oman: Amendments to FCIL The Foreign Capital Investment Law replaced the Foreign Capital Investment Law of 1994 promulgated by Royal Decree Number 50 of 2019. The new law came into force on the 1st of January 2020.   The most significant changes introduced by the new FCIL are as follows; Minimum share…

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02 Feb 2021

England: New Leasehold Extension Rights

England: New Leasehold Extension Rights On 7th January 2021, the Housing Secretary announced the extension of lease by a maximum term of 990 years at zero ground rent. As per current regulation, leaseholders are permitted to extend their lease once every 50 years with zero ground rent. This is compared…

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01 Feb 2021

UAE: Amendments to the Consumer Protection Law

UAE: Amendments to the Consumer Protection Law On 10th November 2020, His Highness Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, issued Federal Law No. (15) of 2020 on Consumer Protection (the 'Consumer Protection Law'), repealing Federal Law No. (24) of 2006 on Consumer Protection (the 'Old…

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31 Jan 2021

UAE: Citizenship Law Amendments

UAE: Citizenship Law Amendments The UAE government has proposed to amend Executive Regulations pertaining to Federal Law concerning Nationality and Passports. The UAE is on a journey of development; the new amendments aim to attract talents that could potentially contribute to such development. It seeks to appreciate the competencies present…

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27 Jan 2021

Bahrain- Proposed Advertisement Law Reforms

Bahrain- Proposed Advertisement Law Reforms The Government of Bahrain has proposed to lay down new laws and guidelines amending advertisement laws currently in existence for 48 years. The legislation, so introduced shall immediately repeal and replace the Advertisement Law of 1973. The new Law's introduction aims to curb offensive adverts…

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