Law Blog Categories

Patent Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
23 Jun 2019

Can Artificial Intelligence Machines be Patented or Sued?

Can artificial intelligence machines be patented or sued? Introduction Hollywood movies introduced the concept of artificial intelligence to the world. Following the portrayal of artificial intelligence, many have speculated that robots will one day take over the world and subdue humans as their subjects. For this to happen, artificial intelligence…

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Debt Collection in Dubai
19 Jun 2019

Debt Collection in UAE

Debt Collection in UAE “If you would know the value of money try to borrow some.”- Benjamin Franklin What is debt? From the ancient times of the barter system, traces of debts can be found. This was when people exchanged goods and serviced for other goods and services. But now…

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Lawyers in Dubai
12 Jun 2019

Domain Name Protection in UAE

Domain Name Protection in UAE Nowadays, all kinds of information can be found on the internet. As a result, Governments, companies, organizations and individuals use websites to provide information online. These websites are domain names used in URLs, for example in the URL; the domain name is A…

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Company Formation in Dubai
29 May 2019

Joint Operational Area

Joint Operational Area Introduction The JOA is a primary legally binding system where multiple gatherings hold hands are intending to make a benefit. It includes high dangers and expenses; however once a triumph; high rewards are accomplished. This empowers JOAs in the O&G business. It is an agreement between parties,…

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Property Lawyers in UAE
27 May 2019

Tenancy Laws in the United Arab Emirates

Tenancy Law in the United Arab Emirates Introduction Tenancy law is a fundamental regulatory framework that systemizes the relationship between tenants and owners. It defines the obligations, risks, and procedural requirements to deal with disputes. In the UAE the provisions regarding tenancy law are found under Federal Law No.5 of…

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Data Protection Lawyers of UAE
25 May 2019

Corporate Governance and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity in Corporate Governance- A Global Purview The historical backdrop of cybersecurity started with a research venture. A man named Bob Thomas understood that it was feasible for a computer program to move over a system, leaving a little trail wherever it went. He named the program Creeper, and structured…

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arbitration lawyers in Dubai
20 May 2019

The New Draft International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Rules

10 Things to know about the New Draft ICSID Rules As the world's driving establishment committed to universal venture debate settlement, it isn't astonishing that the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (the ICSID) is again at the cutting edge of endeavors to modernize rules for settling question between…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
14 May 2019

Law Surrounding Personal Injury in UAE

Personal Injury Lawsuit in the UAE Ubi jus ibi remedium –legal maxim meaning, "where there is a right, there is a remedy", is the basis of the principle of personal injury liability or so famously called tortious liability. One among the many accepted and acclaimed definitions of "tort", as postulated…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
12 May 2019

Debt to Equity Conversions

Debt to Equity Conversions In these investment scenarios, there are times when an organization needs more money than is as of now being produced by its activities; it has two different ways to get it. It can get the cash it needs, known as debt financing. Alternatively, on the other…

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Technology Lawyers in Dubai
09 May 2019

Citizenship for Robots

Should Robots be Granted Citizenship? It’s 2019 and with the world progressively stepping towards technological advancement, active presence of machines is no surprise. Within considerable amount of time, artificial intelligence has taken over the world with its ideas and promises. Human beings are doing everything possible to ease out their…

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Immigration laws in UAE
30 Apr 2019

Law Surrounding Deportation: United Arab Emirates

Deportability in the UAE and related aspects In the event that you've at any point heard that somebody was deported — ousted from a nation — at that point you can likely guess that deportation is the act of that incident. Deportation can include an occupant of a nation who…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
27 Apr 2019

Crowdfunding in the UAE : Regulatory Overview

Crowdfunding in the UAE Concept and Its Evolvement The Kickstarter community was given the opportunity to get behind a coloring book called, “Why Is Daddy Sad on Sunday: A Coloring Book Depicting the Most Disappointing Moments in Cleveland Sports.” The project’s creator, Scott O’Brien, set a goal of raising $2,000.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
23 Apr 2019

Banking and Finance: Syndicate Loan Contracts

Syndicate Loan Agreement and Select Clauses Almost every day, we witness the birth of several new innovative projects, worth billions of dollars of investment. Many often ponder the origins of such investment. Banks play a crucial role in lending these funds to clients, ranging from corporations to large projects, and…

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International Space Law
15 Apr 2019

Space Law: Global Overview

Space Law: An International Purview Space law, a form of international law, took flight following the 1967 ratification of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Innovative in many regards, space law attempts…

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