Law Blog Categories

Law Firms in Dubai
16 May 2022

Digital Technology and Copyright

Impact of Digital Technologies   Introduction A copyright is a legal protection given to original works, but it does not cover an idea in and of itself; instead, it covers the representation of an idea in a fixed or physical form. The author has the only right to reproduce or sell…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
11 May 2022

Force Majeure Events and Contract Clauses in GCC

Force Majeure Events and Contract Clauses in the GCC Force Majeure is a French word that means a greater force in English. It is connected to the concept of the Act of God, where there is an unexpected happening of event.  Although, Force Majeure is an exception as it includes not…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
04 May 2022

Impact of Artificial intelligence on Legal Sector

Impact of Artificial intelligence on Legal Sector The stimulation of human intelligence process by a machine is termed as Artificial intelligence. Mostly this is done by the computer systems. The Specific applications of Artificial intelligence include natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision. In simple words it is programming a…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
21 Apr 2022

ADGM Regulations for SPVs and Foundation

ADGM Regulations for SPVs and Foundation “Regulation needs to catch up with innovation” The ADGM's Registration Authority published a consultation document in October proposing a regulatory regime for the use of CSPs in the ADGM. The public consultation began against the backdrop of rising interest in and success with incorporating…

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Law Firms in Dubai
12 Apr 2022

Federal Law Number 6 of 2021: Introduction of Mediation Law in UАE

Federal Law Number 6 of 2021: Introduction of Mediation Law in UАE Introduction А process where an unbiased third party helps the disputing party to resolve their disputes or conflicts by the use of specialized techniques and methods of negotiations is referred as mediation. It is an аlternаtive dispute resolution mechanism…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Apr 2022

Inheritance Law in the UAE

Inheritance Law in the UAE “A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession.”                                                                          …

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arbitration lawyers in Dubai
04 Apr 2022

Decree 34 of 2021 and its impact on arbitration

Decree 34 of 2021 and its impact on arbitration Decree No. 34 has been issued on Sept. 14, 2021, and took effect on September 20, 2021. The Decree canceled two arbitration organizations in Dubai: I the Arbitration Organization of the Dubai International Financial Centre ("DIFC"), which included the DIFC-LCIA arbitration…

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Law Firms in Dubai
13 Mar 2022

Understanding Censorship Across the GCC

Understanding Censorship Across the GCC Censorship is one method of the government to control media. Censorship is characterized as concealment or forbiddance of speech or composing that is considered subversive of the benefit of everyone. It happens in all manifestations of power in some degree, yet in present day times…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Mar 2022

ADGM Data Protection Rules 2021-2022

ADGM Data Protection Rules 2021-2022 “Availability of protection ensures reliability and timely access to data and resources to authorized individuals.” Organizations must emphasize educating about their responsibilities under the new ADGM Data Protection Regulations, conducting a disparity test to find whether their current systems are vulnerable or appropriate, considering any…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
01 Mar 2022

Dealing with Counterfeits in the UAE

Dealing with Counterfeits in the UAE Introduction Businesses engaging with counterfeit items in the UAE now risk significantly harsher sanctions, again for legitimate brand owners. The maximum punishment for counterfeiting has been increased from AED 10,000 (about USD 2,700) to AED 1 million (approximately USD 275,000) for pharmaceutical and food…

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Lawyers in Dubai
27 Feb 2022

Decree 34 of 2021 and Development in Arbitration in Dubai

Decree 34 of 2021 and Development in Arbitration in Dubai "Arbitration is justice blended with charity" - Nachman of Breslov The Dubai Decree number 34 of 2021 regarding the Dubai International Arbitration Centre was published on 14 September 2021. The new Decree will reform the framework of Arbitration in the Emirate of Dubai.…

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Law Firms in Dubai
23 Feb 2022

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) offerings in the UAE and Legalities Surrounding them

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) offerings in the UAE and Legalities Surrounding them In these times of economic instability, and as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc worldwide, buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) solutions are eclipsing credit cards more conveniently and transparently to fund transactions. E-commerce has developed over the last two years,…

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Data security Laws in UAE
10 Feb 2022

Crypto Asset Regulation in the UAE - A Guide

Crypto Asset Regulation in the UAE - A Guide The sphere of crypto assets is continuously evolving in all spheres in the global area. The terminology is simultaneously advancing with terms such as crypto assets, cryptocurrencies, security tokens, etc. The regulation of these crypto-assets is a matter of frequent discussion…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
02 Feb 2022

Patent waiver on vaccines

Patent waiver on vaccines A patent right is an absolute right given for an invention of a product or process which will proscribe others from utilizing, distributing or retailing the product without the consent of the owner. The patent protection is subjected under the TRIPS agreement. The patent holders have the prerogative to manufacture, sell, and use the vaccine for the entire term of 20 years from the date of the filing of the…

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