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Legal Updates - Page- 32

18 Jul 2021

The European Commission Has Proposed a New Anti-Money Laundering Agency Under Its Reformatory Agenda

The European Commission Has Proposed a New Anti-Money Laundering Agency Under Its Reformatory Agenda The European Commission unveiled a set of legislative measures on Tuesday aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism funding in the EU. A proposal to form a new anti-money laundering watchdog was included in the package. Under…

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14 Jul 2021

Bill Limit Presidential Candidate Eligibility Requirements-Congo

Legislators in Congo Have Introduced a Bill to Limit Presidential Candidate Eligibility Requirements Lawmakers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) presented a measure on Thursday that aims to restrict presidential contenders' eligibility requirements. The bill's main proponent is Noel Tshiani, a close supporter of President Felix Tshisekedi who wants…

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11 Jul 2021

A Court in Australia Has Ruled that the Environment-Minister is Responsible to Protect the Environment from Carbon Dioxide Emissions

A Court in Australia Has Ruled that the Environment-Minister is Responsible to Protect the Environment from Carbon Dioxide Emissions When it comes to judgments on projects that would emit greenhouse gases, the Australian Federal Court decided Thursday that the environment minister owes a duty of care to those under the…

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06 Jul 2021

The United States Has Imposed Trade Restrictions on 14 Chinese Businesses as a Result of their Activities in Xinjiang

The United States Has Imposed Trade Restrictions on 14 Chinese Businesses as a Result of their Activities in Xinjiang Concerns over global human rights prompted the US Department of Commerce to add 34 companies to its Entity List on Friday. 14 of the 34 companies were singled out as potentially…

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04 Jul 2021

Sudan Militia Leader on Trial after ICC Places Charges

Sudan Militia Leader on Trial after ICC Places Charges The International Criminal Court's (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber II overwhelmingly confirmed all allegations against Sudanese militia leader Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman on Friday. As a result, Abd-Al-Rahman, also known as Ali Kushayb, was ordered to stand trial in front of a trial…

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28 Jun 2021

Georgia is Being Sued by the US Department of Justice over a New Voting Legislation

Georgia is Being Sued by the US Department of Justice over a New Voting Legislation The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a new lawsuit against Georgia on Friday, saying that the state's new voting legislation violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. Georgia's new voting legislation, which…

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