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company formation in Abu Dhabi
05 Nov 2018

Открытие бизнеса в Абу-Даби в свободной зоне TwoFour54

Открытие бизнеса в Абу-Даби в свободной зоне TwoFour54. Введение Свободная зона TwoFour54 расположена в Абу Даби. Будучи столицей ОАЭ, Абу-Даби является очень важным центром бизнеса в стране. Однако, когда кто-то думает об ОАЭ, Абу-Даби часто не тот город, который приходит первым на ум. Вместо этого Дубай часто рассматривается как бизнес-центр…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
04 Nov 2018

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance   The Cyberspace The world is in a continually developing state, with new and exciting inventions and technologies arising on a regular basis. It would take some form of expert, or perhaps your average teenager, to entirely keep up to date with all that is new. However,…

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Financial lawyers in Dubai
03 Nov 2018

Консолидация экономического статуса

Консолидация экономического статуса Вступление В связи с глобальными изменениями, особенно на Ближнем Востоке, люди сталкиваются с рядом экономических проблем. Большинство стран Ближнего Востока являются развивающимися, стремящимися консолидировать свое финансовое положение в регионе, а также в мире. Это бесконечная гонка экономического роста, поскольку каждая страна выглядит как сильная экономическая держава. Поскольку победитель…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
03 Nov 2018

Self Defence-Criminal Action

Self Defence or Criminal Action - Where Does the Line Lie? Introduction The topic of self-defence is one which can be quite complicated. One of the most basic and critical drivers of a human is that of self-preservation and protection. At the most personal level, this would mean the protection…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
03 Nov 2018

Payable on Death

Payable on Death or Transferable on Death – Global Views Introduction Death is always a profoundly emotional occurrence and the time following it can be complicated and involve many laws and regulations. A person lives and works through their entire lives and will build up possessions and valuables, and they…

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Lawyers in Dubai
08 Oct 2018

A Guide to Non-compete Clauses in the Middle East

A Guide to Non-compete Clauses in the Middle East Introduction Non-compete clauses are sometimes incorporated into the contracts of employees to ensure the security and protection of the employer if an employee decides to move to another company. When working for an entity, individuals will likely pick up on and…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
02 Oct 2018

Non Conventional Trademarks

Non Conventional Trademarks Introduction Have a break, have a… Every chocolate lover knows the end of that saying. This chocolate is known for its' four fingers, chocolate-wrapped wafer goodness, and its' iconic tagline, but is it well-known enough to be considered "well-known?" Are well-known trademarks as viable an option as…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

territorial applicability

The territorial applicability of criminal law in the UAE Introduction In may sound odd, but there is a difference between international criminal law and criminal international law. What’s more is that the differentiation between these two seemingly similar sounding things is of essential importance. The international criminal law is a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

Project Financing

Examining Project Financing issues and Regulations Introduction Driving through Dubai one is inundated with the view of cranes and construction sites, however, if a closer look is taken it becomes increasingly more evident that many, if not most of these sites are inactive and the buildings are left skeletons of…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

Criminal Accountability

Criminal Accountability – Intention VS. Negligence in Criminal Law Introduction “Mens Rea” or criminal intent refers to an individual’s state of mind at the time he committed a crime. People who have criminal intent are fully aware of the act or omission they are about to commit and they are…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

ADGM Regulations Corporate

ADGM Regulations of Corporate Beneficial Ownership and Control People do not have to look any harder than turning on a news channel to see that corruption and crime are always in the news as central points for most news stories. However, what is less known by the public reading the…

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Law Firms in Abu Dhabi
01 Oct 2018

The Curious Case of Accomplice

The Curious Case of Accomplice “A good friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body.”                                                                                                             ~Steven J. Daniels The Jigsaw of Accomplice Liability Towards the end of 2017, the UAE public was made aware that there had been a massive syndicate…

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Lawyers in Dubai
09 Sep 2018

Руководство по Патентам на Ближнем Востоке

Руководство по Патентам на Ближнем Востоке «Патентное ведомство находится в прямом родстве с изобретениями.» Введение Старший преподаватель Массачусетского технологического института Джо Хадзима определяет патент следующим образом: «Патент является исключительным правом, выданным страной изобретателю, позволяющим ему исключать других из производства, использования или продажи своего изобретения в данной стране в течение срока…

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Company Formation in UAE
06 Sep 2018

Company Formation in Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone

Company Formation in Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone The Northern Emirate Ras al Khaimah (RAK) is the most northerly of the Emirates within the UAE, and while it is not as recognizable as the bigger glittering cities located within a couple of hours of it. It does have many natural…

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