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Lawyers in Dubai
06 Sep 2018

Exclusion Clauses in the UAE

Exclusion Clauses in the UAE   The Importance of Contracts and Exclusion Clauses Contracts are vital documents at all levels of society. Whether in business or everyday life, contracts are formed all the time from the simplest dealings between individuals to the most complex business deals. There may be occasions…

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Lawyers in Dubai
06 Sep 2018

Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Its Relation to the Destruction of Foetus Introduction

Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Its Relation to the Destruction of Foetus Introduction Embryonic stem cell research is a cause of great contention globally, and the regulation and stigma around such research is and will continue to be a heated topic. In the governance of every country, the murder of…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Sep 2018

Обеспечение Ипотечных Заемов в Абу Даби

Обеспечение Ипотечных Заемов в Абу Даби Ипотека – Основы Ипотека – это вид банковских кредитов, предназначенных для тех, кто хочет приобрести недвижимость. Покупка недвижимости – очень важная часть современной жизни, причем все потенциально находятся под одним зонтом – от самых известных компаний, покупающих недвижимость под новые проекты, до обычных покупателей…

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Law Firms in Abu Dhabi
03 Sep 2018

UAE Domain Name Governance and Dispute Resolution

UAE Domain Name Governance and Dispute Resolution What is in the name, asked a layman. Everything, if it is a domain name, replied the lawyer!   Introduction Almost every kind of business, whether a startup or a fully-grown company need an online presence through an official website. A website is…

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Law Firms in Dubai
03 Sep 2018

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law Introduction The Federal Law Number 8 of 1980 regarding UAE Labor law (the Labor Law) contains a provision under Article 127 which allows the employer to require the worker not to compete or to participate in a competing project…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
03 Sep 2018

New Trade Secrets Regulations in the UK

New Trade Secrets Regulations in the UK What are trade secrets, and why are they so important to a business? Trade secrets are a considerable part of the business world. Businesses will guard and protect their trade secrets zealously, as it is what gives each company their unique selling points.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Sep 2018

Mediation And Conciliation in UAE

MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION IN UAE “There are two sides to Every Story.”   Mediate over Litigate Mediation is a non-judicial means of dispute resolution mechanism, and it has become very prevalent because of the disadvantages or limitations faced in litigation. Mediation or conciliation has been for centuries in UAE as…

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31 Aug 2018

The Steps in Patent Registration in the UAE

Inventing something new, including a new process or a novel item is often the first step in developing a company and launching a brand-new opportunity for an individual or a group. Each country is responsible for patent registration within its area. In the United Arab Emirates, patent registration is managed…

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30 Aug 2018

When to Hire Criminal Lawyers in Abu Dhabi: Advice for Visitors

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE as well as the emirate of the same name. It is a beautiful city with amazing modern and traditional architecture from the various mosques in the city through to the very modern Louvre in Abu Dhabi and the striking and easily identified…

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Lawyers in Dubai
27 Aug 2018

Горная Промышленность Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов

Горная Промышленность Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов Горная промышленность на протяжении веков была движущей силой экономики. Будь то добыча полезных ископаемых, металлов или драгоценных камней, каждый вид горнодобывающей промышленности играет решающую роль в экономической деятельности многих государств во всем мире. Этот принцип ничем не отличается и в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах, и хотя…

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Lawyers in Dubai
15 Aug 2018

Immigration Law of The UAE

Immigration Law of The UAE There are several laws and regulations put in place to control the flow of foreigners entering and exiting the country’s territory. Federal Law Number 6 of 1973 as amended by Federal Law Number 13 of 1996 [the Immigration Law] contains the laws governing immigration regarding…

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Lawyers in Dubai
15 Aug 2018

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel Reliance on oral promises is a significant aspect of real-world litigation. In what follows is a hypothetical example of the application of dependence on verbal agreements; A woman moved from London to Dubai to work for a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
13 Aug 2018

Trade Dress Protection

Trade Dress Protection The expansion of international trade and increase in foreign direct investment is likely to have contributed to the conflict of trademark laws between foreign countries. More recently a fundamental issue arising out of the application of trademark is law the subject matter which it can protect. This…

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Lawyers in Dubai
07 Aug 2018

Cryprocurrency– A Magical Bubble or The Future of Currency?

Cryprocurrency– A Magical Bubble or The Future of Currency?   The noise and media surrounding the notion of cryptocurrency have been increasing the curiosity rapidly. Before curiosity kills the cat, let's walk through the story of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is an innovative and a virtual currency that utilizes cryptography for security…

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