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Lawyers in Dubai
07 Aug 2018

Contract law and the position of third parties

Contract law and the position of third parties Contractual relations are relations we enter into every day of our lives, whether express or implied, whether formally or informally. When people go to the grocery store, at the check-out counter, they enter into a contractual relationship with the store. They accept…

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Lawyers in Dubai
21 Jul 2018

Guide on Initail Public Offerings in the GCC 2018-2019

Introduction The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first occasion on which a company will have shares put up on a stock market. An investment bank will underwrite the IPO and will arrange for the listing of the shares on one or more stock exchanges. An IPO is often a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
12 Jul 2018

Dubai Airport Free Zone

Dubai Airport Free Zone   1.  What was the establishing law of this free zone, and what are the main internal regulations governing it?  Dubai Airport Free (DAF) Zone was established by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai by Dubai Law No. 2/1996 and received…

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Lawyers in Dubai
11 Jul 2018

Company Formation in Kuwait Free Trade Zone

COMPANY FORMATION IN KUWAIT FREE TRADE ZONE   Kuwait, also known as the Fruitful Land of the Gulf is considered to be a land of opportunities. The country’s richness lies in the natural resources like oil and gas but also the real wealth of the nation lies in its human capital…

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10 Jul 2018

Law of Sports - Dispute Resolution

Law of Sports - Dispute Resolution The legal community argues on pros and cons of arbitration. That said, we cannot undermine its benefits. It has become an accessible medium for resolving disputes in the sports sector. One can corroborate it by the fact that a specialized quasi-judicial body known as…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
09 Jul 2018

The Law, the iPhone and Facial Recognition - PartII

EYE-PHONE: LEGAL ISSUES ABOUT APPLE'S NEW FACIAL RECOGNITION FEATURE – PART II The ever-changing technology the law is always trying to keep up its pace as now the interaction of law and technology is more critical than ever. The ungoverned technology is a danger to the society if drones are flying over…

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Lawyers in Dubai
05 Jul 2018

Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business – UAE

Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business – UAE “Money does buy satisfaction if you spend it the right way,” while the creation and development of currency seem elusive, money is the way we get the things we need and want. Money is the medium of exchange that is used to…

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Law Firms in Dubai
14 Jun 2018

Agency Laws in the GCC Countries

AGENCY LAWS IN THE GCC COUNTRIES Introduction The extension of the multinational partnership is either setting up its subsidiary in remote purview or to tie up with the local organization in a foreign jurisdiction. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the distant locals where international organizations are going into…

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Lawyers in Dubai
14 Jun 2018

Testamentary Vs. Living Trust

Testamentary Vs. Living Trust   Time is an unchanging constant throughout our world. Forever moving in one direction, pushing us all into the hazy future. There is little exact certainty in what we plan for in the longer term, and nowhere is this more apparent in law than in living…

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Law Firms in Dubai
14 Jun 2018

WOMEN AND DIVORCE - Think Financially!

SPOUSAL SUPPORT IN BROKEN MARRIAGES A professional women’s working hours might be from 9 to 6, but a housewife’s job doesn’t end there. A housewife has a 24-hour tireless position much more than anyone who works outside the house. On any given day they are required to be nurses, psychologists,…

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Lawyers in Dubai
14 Jun 2018


 Айфон: Юридические вопросы новой функциональности компании Apple по распознаванию лиц – Часть 1 Махатма Ганди когда-то сказал, что принцип око за око может только сделать весь мир слепым. Говоря о зрении, вспоминается мысль, что не каждый закрытый глаз спит, и не каждый открытый глаз видит. От очков до контактных линз…

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21 May 2018

Drugs - A Social Menace 2018-2019

Illegal drugs are a popular craze among the youth today. This may sound odd, seeing as the drugs are ‘illegal’ and yet the practice is so prevalent. Trying to picture a party today, and what would instantly come to mind would be the loud tunes of Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival…

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17 May 2018

Do Lord Woolf's Reforms Need Reforming?

DO LORD WOOLF’S REFORMS NEED REFORMING? Part 1: The Lord Woolf Reform and the Current UK Civil Justice System Law may seem an unchanging presence that looms over all. It indeed dictates our everyday lives. Every action that an individual performs must take into account what the law may say…

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Lawyers in Dubai
14 May 2018

Rules of Acquisition and Merging of Public Shareholding Companies

MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS: PUBLIC SHAREHOLDING COMPANIES “How do you make money? Mergers, Acquisitions and Liquidations”                                                                                                             ~Mario Gabelli Introduction Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, MOE (Minister of Economy), and Board Chairman of the securities and commodities authority (SCA) was responsible for the introduction of a set of regulations concerning mergers…

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