Закон Категории дневника

Lawyers in Dubai
17 Apr 2018

Litigation privilege as understood through cases ENRC v SFO; Bilta v RBS and R v Jukes

Litigation privilege as understood through cases ENRC v SFO; Bilta v RBS and R v Jukes The definition of Litigation privilege is non-disclosure protection imposed on documents which come into existence after litigation commenced or in contemplation of such litigation, or where their creation was in the view or such…

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17 Apr 2018

Non-Retroactivity of the Law

  Non-Retroactivity of the Law “No Law shall be construed Retroactive unless manifestly intended by law.” The Law and The Time Imagine a case where a person has committed a criminal offense, and now that person is standing trial for such offense. However, during the relevant proceedings, the legislature has…

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Defamation lawyers in UAE
16 Apr 2018

Defamation V.1

ARE YOU OFFENDED OR IS IT FREEDOM OF SPEECH? “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” ―John Milton, Areopagitica We are always encouraged to voice our thoughts and to use the liberty of freedom of speech. However, can we…

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Property Law of Abu-Dhabi
30 Mar 2018

Инвестиции в Недвижимость в Абу Даби

Инвестиции в Недвижимость в Абу Даби Введение Математика просто и логична. Большое количество экспатов, наводнивших регион, привело к линейному росту спроса на недвижимость (в лизхолде и фрихолде). Но этот спрос на недвижимость относится не только к жилым единицам. Число коммерческих зданий в Эмирате Абу-Даби за последнее десятилетие увеличилось благодаря благоприятным…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
30 Mar 2018

ADGM Civil Court Proceedings

ADGM Civil Court Proceedings Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM) located in the capital of UAE in the city center of Abu Dhabi is an international financial center for local, regional and international organizations. ADGM is a channel that connects UAE with the world with its essential hub for global commerce.…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
30 Mar 2018

RATs, TRAPs and Trade Secrets

RATS, TRAPS AND TRADE SECRETS While we know more about the world now than ever before, in some ways, it can seem more mysterious and complicated than ever before. The pursuit of information has always driven humans and is what has got us to the modern state we find ourselves…

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The Anti-fraud Law
29 Mar 2018

The Anti-fraud Law

THE ANTI-FRAUD LAW The recently enacted Federal Law Number 19 of 2016concerning Combating Commercial Fraud (the Anti-Fraud Lawor theLaw) has replaced the erstwhile Federal Law Number 4 of 1979 dealing with the Concealment of Fraud and Deception in Transactions commercial in nature (the Old Anti-Fraud Law). The much-anticipated Anti-Fraud Law…

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commercial lawyers in Dubai
22 Mar 2018

Глобальный Анализ Соглашений Франчайзинга

ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ СОГЛАШЕНИЙ ФРАНЧАЙЗИНГА «Изоляция невозможна. Глобализация неизбежна и полезна». Введение Вы хотите создать привлекательную бизнес-модель для распространения товаров и услуг по всему миру? У вашей компании есть имидж бренда на рынке и вы хотите расширения? У вас есть уникальнй тренд, и вы хотите получить от него прибыль? Если вы…

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sports-law UAE
20 Mar 2018

Спортивное Право (Часть 1)

Правила игры – Глобальный обзор (Часть 1) “Спорт не создает характер. Он раскрывает его.”                                                                                                 -Хейвуд Броун Когда Оскар Писториус выиграл  Летние Параолимпийские Игры 2004 года в Афинах, он стал первым спортсменом, выигравшим золото в одиночном чемпионате c ампутированными ниже колена ногами. Любители спорта по всему миру радовались его великолепному достижению и…

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Law Firms in Dubai
18 Feb 2018

Contracts Law - Extension of Time

Preventive Principle and Extension of Time Time and again we have discussed the level of dynamicity in the sectors and industries such as construction, maritime, cryptocurrency and the like. Today, we are going to analyze why these areas in specific are comparatively more dynamic than others – mainly because projects…

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15 Feb 2018

Q&A: Pharmaceutical Laws and Regulations in UAE

Pharmaceutical Industry in the UAE 1.     What are the primary laws and regulations governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates? The primary piece of legislation governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates is Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 concerning the Pharmaceutical Profession and Pharmaceutical Institutions (the Pharmaceutical…

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15 Feb 2018

The UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods

An Overview of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods If a company in the United Arab Emirates wanted to buy authentic leather abroad, most likely they would start looking for sellers in Italy. Considering that they find such an Italian company, the first step in…

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Agency law in UAE
31 Jan 2018

Франчайзинг в ОАЭ

   Liability of Franchisors You cannot bring the Canadian winters to the UAE, but you can enjoy the warm coffee of Tim Hortons in the UAE. UAE has the answer to most of your cravings from back home, whether you are missing the butter chicken or chicken and waffle. This…

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31 Jan 2018

Incorporating before Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Company Formation in Abu Dhabi Airport Business City 1. What law established this free zone? The following laws are the primary piece of legislation governing the Abu Dhabi Airport Business City (ADAB): Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution Number 61 of 2010 gave Sky City the authority to grant free zone status…

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