Закон Категории дневника

27 Mar 2017

US Sanctions (Part II of II)

US Sanctions - An Overview Part II of II STA has been one of the few Middle East law firms that have been advising clients on compliance with OFAC regime, the direct and indirect applicability of various OFAC sanctions besides other bodies such as United Nations, to name a few.…

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27 Mar 2017

UAE's Outbound Investment in India

UAE's Outbound Investment in India 'Foreign Investment is what keeps the whole show going.' - Patrick Barkey Think about a predicament in which a bank would charge its customers a fee amounting to two-thirds of your deposits for the purpose of handling the finances. Bizarre, some might say! However, this…

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27 Mar 2017

Piercing the Corporate Veil

Piercing the Corporate Veil “Nothing can be so unjust as for a few persons abounding in wealth, to offer a portion of their excess for the formation of a company, to play with that excess—to lend the importance of their whole name and credit to the society, and then, should…

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26 Mar 2017

Asset Securitization in the UAE

Asset Securitization in the UAE  (Part II of II) In part one of our series on Asset Securitization, we defined asset securitization, reinforced its importance and illustrated the ways in which it useful for financing purposes. In fact, asset securitization transactions had evolved centuries back and were also, incredibly pervasive…

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19 Feb 2017

Tax Global Guide 2016-17 Volume 1: Tax on Corporate Transactions in the United Arab Emirates

Tax Global Guide 2016-17 Volume 1: Tax on Corporate Transactions: Country Q&A "Tax on corporate transactions in the United Arab Emirates: overview" The United Arab Emirates STA Law firm Tax authorities What are the main authorities responsible for enforcing taxes on corporate transactions in your jurisdiction? The Federal Government of…

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01 Feb 2017

Environment Global Guide 2017-18 - UAE Q&A (Part 1 of 2)

Environment Global Guide - UAE 1. Environmental Regulatory Framework What are the key pieces of environmental legislation and the regulatory authorities? Numerous federal and local laws have been enacted in the UAE to protect the integrity of the country’s environmental laws and regulations. Federal Law Number 24 of 1999 for the…

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08 Jan 2017

Post-Closing Transactional vs Ongoing Enterprise Due-Diligence

 Post-Closing Transactional vs Ongoing Enterprise Due-Diligence “Diligence is the mother of good fortune.”  -        Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Introduction In July 2016, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) stated that it’s review of 12 initial public offerings (10 of which were small and mid-sized companies), found incredibly poor due…

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Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts
08 Jan 2017

Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts

Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts “No construction project is risk-free. Risk can be managed, minimized, shared, transferred or accepted. It cannot be ignored” -Michael Latham Scope and usage of back-to-back contracts Back-to-back contracts are becoming an increasingly common feature of construction projects. Construction projects typically involve the collaboration of three…

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05 Jan 2017

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change?

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change? Construction has been one of the most dynamic industrial sectors in the Middle East due to the increase in need of palatial residential and office spaces that arise from the surfeit of expatriates that flock into the region every year.…

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02 Jan 2017

Medicinal Product Regulation and Product Liability in the United Arab Emirates: An Overview (Part II of II)

Medicinal Product Regulation and Product Liability in the United Arab Emirates: An Overview (Part II of II) In Part I, we discussed technical aspects pertaining to Pharmaceutical Product Regulations applicable in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Part I explored varied areas including regulatory bodies and applicable law, regulation of biological…

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STA Law Firm | Dubai Law Firm
01 Jan 2017

Different Strokes for Different Courts

Different Strokes for Different Courts In January of 2012, Macy’s, a renowned retail store, decided to sue Martha Stewart for entering into a contract with a rival retail store J.C. Penney, which they claimed breached their own contract with Martha Stewart for exclusive products in 2006. This led to a…

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STA Law Firm | Lawyers in Dubai
01 Jan 2017

Be Aware, else Beware (Part I of II)

Be Aware, else Beware (Part I of II) ‘Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it’s an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him’ -        John Seldon The law has provided that an ignorance…

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Aircraft Mortgages | STA Law Firm
01 Jan 2017

Aircraft Mortgages (Part II of III)

Aircraft Mortgages (Part II of III) “99% of everything done in the world, good or bad, is done to pay a mortgage. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented.” Thank You for Smoking (2005) - Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) Due to the primarily finance driven world…

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10 Dec 2016

Medicinal Product Regulation and Product Liability in the United Arab Emirates: An Overview

Medicinal Product Regulation and Product Liability in the United Arab Emirates: An Overview What are the main legislation and regulatory authorities for pharmaceuticals in your jurisdiction?   Response:   Applicable Legislation:  Federal Law No. 4 of 1983 (Pharmaceuticals Law 1983) governs and applies to: ·        Pharmacists. ·        Pharmaceutical establishments. ·        Import, manufacture, and…

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