Закон Категории дневника

Международный Арбитражный Суд МТП
02 Jun 2016

Международный Арбитражный Суд МТП

Международный Арбитражный Суд МТП Вступление: Международная торговая палата (МТП) играет важную роль на международном уровне, продвигая инвестиции и торговлю товарами и услугами. Это не просто частная организация, хотя она была создана группой предпринимателей как группа промышленников, финансистов и торговцев, которые были полны решимости привнести экономическое процветание в мир, который еще…

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The Abu Dhabi Global Market - STA Law Firm - 2016-2017 - Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
27 May 2016

Abu Dhabi Global Markets: Rising to the Challenge

 Abu Dhabi Global Markets: Rising to the challenge Historically, finance has always been ‘international’ in character; capital has rarely been mobile. Money has moved freely across borders for all of civilisation with gold and silver being global currencies for millenia. With passage of time, money has been reverting to its natural state…

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Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ
18 May 2016

Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ

Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ   “Если покупатели хотят быть снобами, закон будет защищать их в их снобизме. i”    Потребительская промышленность требовательна и особенно, когда это относится к товарам роскоши, продаваемой по розничной цене. Мало кто упустит возможность приобрести роскошную вещь по доступной цене. Тактика…

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14 Mar 2016

Brainstorming: Before Buying a Property in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi Government has implemented numerous laws and regulations regarding the real estate sector lately. The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has experienced an exponential growth in the past few years. The new real estate law – Number 3 of 2015 Regulating Real Estate Sector in the Emirate of Abu…

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14 Mar 2016


INTRODUCTION:   The Insurance Third Party Administrators have become vital section of insurance industry and changing the facade of insurance sector all around the world. Third party administrators are neither insurance providers nor insured. They are the service providers bridging the gap between the two and serves the insurer and…

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14 Mar 2016

Trade Finance

A documentary credit or a letter of credit is usually used to finance international trade. Judges have referred to documentary credits as the “life blood” of international commerce. Most documentary credits in international transactions are governed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Uniform Custom and Practice for Documentary Credit…

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14 Mar 2016


There are across the world, varied different institutions of property, radically different ways of separating the land space, and developing rights in consonance with other legal, economic and social institutions. These differences get in to limelight when one pays attention to the sometimes subtle differences in policies and regulations that…

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14 Mar 2016

Project Financing -a Primer

Project Finance as the technique of financing any development idea is rapidly increasing in developing countries due to their drive to gain industrial development and improve infrastructural amenities. The infrastructural projects or projects relating to energy industry are usually funded by government through public funds since historical times due to…

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06 Mar 2016

UAE Insurance Law – Detailed Overview

Federal Overview Within the United Arab Emirates, insurance is largely governed at a Federal level by the Insurance Authority (IA) which was established pursuant to Federal law Number 6 of 2007 (the Insurance Law). The law replaced the previous enactment being Federal Law No.9 of 1984 on Insurance Companies and…

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Law Firms in Dubai
06 Mar 2016

Запрет на поездки и порядок депортации ОАЭ Уголовное право

“Walk where your heart leads you, there are no restrictions and no burdens.” Howsoever good you might find the above quote, the truth is that such a thing is not always a reality in this world. But international conventions, rules and regulations such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights…

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06 Mar 2016

UAE Labour Law 2016: Update

This New Year kick started on a Friday with every eye focusing on the blazing night sky filled with Dubai's world famous firework show. The Ministry of Labour(the Ministry)gifted employees of country with renewed interest in UAE’s employment market as well.The Ministry enforced three new decrees (collectively, the New Law)…

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02 Mar 2016


Country and Applicable Legislation Length of Trademark (in years) Trademark Definition Eligible Applicants Documentation Requirement Language Requirement and Procedures Treaty/ Classification Treaty/Classification Benefits Iraq Law Number 21 of 1957 being the Iraq Trademark and Geographical Indications Law . Iraq has sought permanent membership in the world trade organisation (the WTO…

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02 Mar 2016


Country and Applicable Legislation Length of Trademark (in years) Trademark Definition Eligible Applicants Documentation Requirement Language Requirement and Procedures Treaty/ Classification Treaty/Classification Benefits United Arab Emirates (the UAE ) . The UAE Trademark Law Number 37 of 1992 was amended by Law number 19 of 2000 followed by Law Number…

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10 Feb 2016

US Sanctions-an Overview

If you do not buy the coffee I sell, I shall forbid you from buying coffee anywhere else…    Many years ago, a superman flick had the bad guy delineating monopoly in trade as coffee mafia. Today, sophisticated legal developments recognize these practices as unfair trade practices. But the watchdogs…

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