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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
10 Jul 2021

Subcontract works under UAE Law

Subcontract works under UAE Law Introduction Subcontracting is quite popular in today's construction business. Without engaging third parties with diverse experience and capacities to carry out certain aspects of the works, it would almost likely be unmanageable for one contractor to complete a construction project, especially if the project entails…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
10 Jul 2021

Licensing Foreign Direct Investments projects in UAE

Licensing procedure of Foreign Direct Investments projects in UAE Background of this new development- Prior to the implementation of the FDI law, UAE law stipulated that foreign investors may only own up to 49 percent of a UAE mainland corporation, with several exceptions. One or more UAE nationals or a…

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Data security Laws in UAE
08 Jul 2021

Explaining Cryptocurrency Ransomware Problem

Explaining Cryptocurrency's Ransomware Problem (USA) Introduction A hacker gains access to a company's computer system and encrypts its data, effectively halting operations. The data is then held captive by the hacker until a ransom is paid. If the demand is for Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, the victim must open a cryptocurrency…

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Lawyers in Dubai
13 Jun 2021

SCA: Abu Dhabi SE- Rules

SCA: Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange- Rules, Regulations, and Procedures Introduction The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) as of now, lists 73 companies. The listed companies include those from the banking, insurance, services, industry & hotels sectors. They include First Abu Dhabi Bank and Etisalat. The following article will cover the…

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Law Firms in Dubai
07 Jun 2021

Variation to work Construction Contracts

Variation to work pertaining to Construction Contracts What is a variation? A variation (also known as a variation instruction, variation order (VO), or change order) is an alteration to a construction contract's scope of work that involves addition, substitute, or omission from the initial scope of work. Almost every construction project…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
06 Jun 2021

legality of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies

The Legality of Bitcoins and other Cryptocurrencies The terms Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency remained unfamiliar to the rest of the globe before Satoshi Nakamoto, the unidentified founder of Bitcoin, revealed the Electronic Cash System in late 2008. The idea swept the world's markets like wildfire, and investors all over the world…

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Lawyers in Dubai
06 Jun 2021

Business Closure in UAE

Business Closure in the UAE, and How it Must Be Pursued When you decide to close your business in the UAE, you must cancel your business license as well as any related permits. Pretext It is imperative that the relevant government bodies are aware that you are no longer in…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Jun 2021

Early Termination of Tenancy Contracts in UAE

Early Termination of Tenancy Contracts in the UAE Introduction A tenancy contract is a rental agreement between a tenant and the landlord that must be signed before receiving the keys of the real estate property. A tenancy contract is essentially a legally binding agreement that allows the tenants to use…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Jun 2021

Understanding Bounced Cheque Laws in UAE

Understanding Bounced Cheque Laws in the UAE, and Why You Must Honour Them The dishonouring of checks has become a contentious and divisive issue in the UAE's legal landscape, owing to the serious consequences it now entails. In the UAE, Post Dated Cheques (PDC) are the most prevalent mode of…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jun 2021

Content Creation - Digital Millennium Copyright Acts Applicability

Content Creation and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s Applicability Since the introduction of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998, there have been sweeping changes to the realm of content creation. Understanding the DMCA The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (or DMCA) is a contentious statute passed by the United States…

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Law Firms in Dubai
03 Jun 2021

E Gaming its Overarching Legality in UAE

E Gaming and its Overarching Legality in the UAE The term "e-Gaming" refers to the entire computer gaming market, which includes everything from video game consoles to PC and smartphone games, as well as internet entertainment platforms and the eSports industry. Likewise, first-person shooter (FPS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA),…

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Lawyers in Dubai
21 May 2021

Software Patent

Software Patent Introduction  The digital economy's backbone is technology, and software accounts for a significant portion of its importance. In fact, the software is becoming increasingly important in all economic sectors as a means of leveraging productivity. Intellectual property (IP) regulations would be affected significantly as a result of this. …

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Law Firms in Dubai
06 May 2021

Incorporation of a Business

Incorporation of a Business (legal impediments) Introduction The formal method of forming a corporation or a company is called incorporation. The resulting legal body, a corporation, is responsible for separating the firm's assets and profits from its owners and investors. Corporations can be formed in virtually every country on the…

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Lawyers in Dubai
28 Apr 2021

joint venture laws of India UAE Singapore

Comparison of joint venture laws of India with UAE and Singapore For a long time, one of the main fields of concern for economists all over the world has been the industry. With money on the line, people are always looking for new ways to increase income; whether it's a…

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