Закон Категории дневника

Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
15 Feb 2021

Legality of Backdating Contracts

The Legality of Backdating Contracts Introduction  The “contract date”, seemingly a very basic concept, can contribute to some problems and confusion among parties contracting therein. The main issue that parties may face is regarding the interpretation of the dates mentioned in the contract. There are essentially three types of dates…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
15 Feb 2021

Duress in Contract Law

Duress in Contract Law In UAE, all legal aspects in regards to contractual related issues are encapsulated under the UAE Civil Code and the UAE Commercial Code. It is difficult to establish between illegitimate and legitimate duress as in regards to commercial contracts, a certain level of duress is expected…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
03 Feb 2021

Tri-Party Agreement & their Implications in UAE

Tri-Party Agreement and their Implications in the UAE What is a Tri-party Agreement? It is an agreement between three parties. In other words, when three-parties has an intention to do the things on which they have agreed. The Tri-parti agreement usually happens in financial transactions. As per the Article 125…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Feb 2021

Transfer Pricing Regulations in Middle East

Transfer Pricing Regulations in the Middle East The Transfer Pricing is a common mechanism which the countries use to transfer the tax base. The transfer is often from countries with high taxation to countries with low taxation. Transfer Pricing deprives states of their fair share of taxes from global corporations. In…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
20 Jan 2021

Avoidance of Double Taxation – UAE India

Avoidance of Double Taxation (DTAA) – UAE & India Introduction  Benjamin Franklin once said, there are two things you cannot avoid; death and taxes. In a country like the UAE, where tax is almost invisible, corporate tax is levied on oil companies and foreign banks as part of the corporate…

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banking lawyers in Dubai
09 Jan 2021

Offering Crypto-Assets in UAE

Regulations for Issuing and Offering Crypto-Assets in UAE (ICARs) Introduction  Over the past decade, the financial technology market has evolved substantially. With the introduction of cryptocurrencies, policymaker and framers of legislations find the need to implement legislation that will help regulate this growing market. Since cryptocurrencies operate beyond the banking…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
09 Jan 2021

Securing Interest over Movable Assets

UAE: Federal Law Number 4 of 2020 on Securing Interest over Movable Assets  Introduction  Federal Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning mortgage of movable properties has been repealed and replaced by the introduction of Federal Law Number 4 of 2020 on securing interest over movable assets. It is imperative to…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Jan 2021

Legislative Amendments to freehold Ownership AUH

Abu Dhabi: Legislative Amendments to freehold Ownership Laws Introduction  Abu Dhabi, being the capital of the UAE, is a sea of opportunity for growth of the business, investment, technical and urban development. However, it has yet to reach its full potential.  A research conducted by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
07 Jan 2021

Inchoate crimes-criminal responsibility

Inchoate crimes and criminal responsibility Introduction  As a general rule, criminal codes punish all those criminal acts preceding the commission of a crime. The liability hereunder is determined by the intention to commit the crime. It is to be kept in mind that, merely thinking about committing a crime does…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
07 Jan 2021

Concealment of Assets in Bankruptcy

Concealment of Assets in Bankruptcy Introduction  A businessman's business is basically his baby; the decision of going through the process of bankruptcy is probably the most difficult decision that a company has to make throughout its lifetime. Everyone involved in the procedure, be it, the debtors or creditors are losers…

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Lawyers in Dubai
17 Dec 2020

Amendment to the Companies Law on LLC

UAE: Effect of the Amendment to the Companies Law on LLCs Introduction The UAE government has recently amended Federal Law Number 2 of 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “old law”) by issuing Federal Decree-Law Number 26 of 2020 (hereinafter referred to as “new law”). The introduction of this amendment has…

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Lawyers in Dubai
09 Dec 2020

Doing Business in Ras Al Khaimah 2021

Doing Business in Ras Al Khaimah 2021 Enforcing Contracts Questionnaire 1.Case Study Assumptions Two domestic companies - Seller and Buyer - conclude a contract for the sale of some custom-made goods. Further to such contract, Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller, custom-made furniture.…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
09 Dec 2020

Enforcement of New York Convention Awards in the UAE

Enforcement of New York Convention Awards in the UAE Introduction  Arbitration clauses are becoming more and more prominent in corporate agreements, the reason behind this is the ease with which disputes can be dealt with as compared to the traditional court system. In any case, a corporation may find that…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
09 Dec 2020

Confidentiality in International Arbitration

Confidentiality in International Arbitration Introduction  Confidentiality is the essence of trust, which is why individuals, corporations and even government bodies resort to Arbitration. Confidentiality is attractive to litigants internationally for a myriad of reasons, like freedom of making arguments which would not normally be made at a public forum, or…

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