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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
18 Mar 2019

International Perspective on Juvenile Justice

‘Doli Incapax’ – An International Perspective on Juvenile Justice 'No civilised society regards children as accountable for their actions to the same extent as adults ... The wisdom of protecting young children against the full rigour of the law is beyond argument. The difficulty lies in determining when and under…

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Lawyers in Dubai
12 Mar 2019

Wrongful Conviction

Wrongful Conviction   When someone is wrongly convicted, that means that a person has been punished and sentenced for a crime that he has not committed. In devastating cases like these, the faith of the masses on the judicial system is lost when an innocent is convicted and made to…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Feb 2019

anti discrimination laws

International Perspective on Anti Discrimination and Laws relating to Anti Discrimination in the UAE “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” ―…

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anti-bribery legislation in the UAE
03 Feb 2019

Anti-Bribery Legislation UAE

Anti-Bribery Legislation in the UAE Subsequent to the economic stagnation of 2008, the UAE assumed proactive measures to indict individuals who violated the Federal Penal Code’s anti-bribery legislation. Despite the surfacing of several prominent cases, the regulations, which were enacted in the 1980s, still remain wholly foreign to many businesses…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Feb 2019

Crime of Aggression

A Global Perspective on the Crime of Aggression A crime of aggression is committed when a political or military leader of a State causes the respective State to use force illegally against another State, provided that the force used constitutes a violation of the United Nations Charter in its character,…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
06 Jan 2019

Amendments to Singapore’s Penal Code

Prospective Amendments to Singapore’s Penal Code In July 2016, Singapore established a Penal Code review committee intended to perform a comprehensive assessment of the legal provisions currently protecting marginalized communities and members of the adolescent demographic. As of September 2018, the Committee has requested heightened legislative care for topics encircling…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jan 2019

Counter-Terrorism Efforts

A Global Purview of Counter-Terrorism Efforts With nearly 41% of all terrorist attacks resulting in casualty, and a dramatic increase in public targeted incidents, governing bodies representing both domestic and international interests alike have invested countless resources into better understanding why terrorism occurs, and how legislatively, it can be stopped.…

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Lawyers in Dubai
04 Dec 2018

good samaritan law

Good Samaritan Law Introduction What does it mean and imply when one is called a Good Samaritan? The term is regularly used in the news and by people when relating to stories of do-gooders in action. The name originates from a biblical story in which an individual helped another in…

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Healthcare lawyers in UAE
05 Nov 2018

Врачебная халатность в странах залива.

Врачебная халатность в странах залива.  Виллес Дж.: «Халатность - это негативное слово. Это отсутствие заботы, умения и усердия, поскольку привлечение к выполнению работы всегда считалось обязанностью человека.»   Вступление. Работа в медицине является одной из самых престижных и уважаемых профессий. Отношения между пациентом и врачом основаны на доверии и вере. Джордж Бернард Шоу сказал: «Мы не…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
03 Nov 2018

Self Defence-Criminal Action

Self Defence or Criminal Action - Where Does the Line Lie? Introduction The topic of self-defence is one which can be quite complicated. One of the most basic and critical drivers of a human is that of self-preservation and protection. At the most personal level, this would mean the protection…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

territorial applicability

The territorial applicability of criminal law in the UAE Introduction In may sound odd, but there is a difference between international criminal law and criminal international law. What’s more is that the differentiation between these two seemingly similar sounding things is of essential importance. The international criminal law is a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

Criminal Accountability

Criminal Accountability – Intention VS. Negligence in Criminal Law Introduction “Mens Rea” or criminal intent refers to an individual’s state of mind at the time he committed a crime. People who have criminal intent are fully aware of the act or omission they are about to commit and they are…

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Law Firms in Dubai
03 Sep 2018

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law Introduction The Federal Law Number 8 of 1980 regarding UAE Labor law (the Labor Law) contains a provision under Article 127 which allows the employer to require the worker not to compete or to participate in a competing project…

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Lawyers in Dubai
15 Aug 2018

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel Reliance on oral promises is a significant aspect of real-world litigation. In what follows is a hypothetical example of the application of dependence on verbal agreements; A woman moved from London to Dubai to work for a…

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