Закон Категории дневника

Корпоративная ответственность: Закон о взяточничестве в Великобритании.
18 May 2016

Корпоративная ответственность: Закон о взяточничестве в Великобритании.

Корпоративная ответственность: Закон о взяточничестве в Великобритании. Если вы можете перенести свой образ мышления от простой продажи к укреплению доверия с клиентом, даже если это принесет вам несколько долларов прибыли, вы начнете видеть возможности, которые никогда не воображали, когда вы понимаете, что означает приводить клиента в восторг, давая ему больше,…

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Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ
18 May 2016

Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ

Кто кого обманывает? Борьба с подделками в контексте ОАЭ   “Если покупатели хотят быть снобами, закон будет защищать их в их снобизме. i”    Потребительская промышленность требовательна и особенно, когда это относится к товарам роскоши, продаваемой по розничной цене. Мало кто упустит возможность приобрести роскошную вещь по доступной цене. Тактика…

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Law Firms in Dubai
06 Mar 2016

Запрет на поездки и порядок депортации ОАЭ Уголовное право

“Walk where your heart leads you, there are no restrictions and no burdens.” Howsoever good you might find the above quote, the truth is that such a thing is not always a reality in this world. But international conventions, rules and regulations such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights…

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10 Feb 2016

US Sanctions-an Overview

If you do not buy the coffee I sell, I shall forbid you from buying coffee anywhere else…    Many years ago, a superman flick had the bad guy delineating monopoly in trade as coffee mafia. Today, sophisticated legal developments recognize these practices as unfair trade practices. But the watchdogs…

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12 Jan 2016

The Law Surrounding Eavesdropping, and Privacy

Margarida Narciso discusses the legal implications of violating private or family life of individuals under the UAE Law. Advancement in field of technology, social media and phone apps may lead younger generation to eavesdrop, resort to clicking images or videos and post them on social media. This however may affect…

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29 Dec 2015

Enforcing Foreign Judgments in UAE- Part II

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS GOVERNING THE ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN JUDGMENTS IN THE UAE    To continue from our previous article, the second party deals with the various agreements in place between the United Arab Emirates and various countries and how they are enforced. We have looked at multilateral and bilateral agreements separately…

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Foreign Court Judgment
26 Nov 2015

Принуждение иностранных судебных решений в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (ОАЭ)

Introduction With the spread of globalization, technical and technological evolution, changes in communication means and transportations, economic freedom and free trade around the world have reinforced the idea that businesses and/or commercial dealings need protection.  Hence, as there is an international cooperation among countries to follow an international criminal worldwide,…

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Lawyers in Dubai
23 Jul 2015

Нарушения авторских прав

I'm sure someone has told you, "I have an idea"! And when someone has an idea that is (or is believed to be) great’ the question is - how can they protect it? But did you know that an idea cannot be protected under the copyright law?    Or did…

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10 Jul 2015

Cross-Border Crime and Extradition

UKBA vs Bribery and Corruption   According to ex-UK Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clarke, “Bribery blights lives… The wider victims are government and society, undermined by a weakened rule of law and damaged social and economic development. At stake is the principle of free and fair competition, which…

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08 Jul 2015

Can You Choose Your Judge?

  For a variety of reasons, it is highly likely that most people’s instincts would incite them to answer “no”! However if we peruse UAE legal texts we will find that actually, in most cases, the answer will be “yes”!    Litigation is one of the basic rights guaranteed by…

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Criminal Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
21 May 2015

Сбой в сборе? Обязанности гаранта поручительства в соответствии с Уголовным законом ОАЭ

Liabilities of the Bail Guarantor we’ve all seen the images of prisoners arriving at court for their hearings, seated in high-security vehicles with small circular windows, with photographers clamouring for a prime position in order to take photographs through the glass. However not all defendants are required to arrive at…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
21 May 2015

Последствия отскоков / невыгодных чеков в соответствии с законом ОАЭ

Reforms in Police Cases against UAE Nationals and Foreigners If  you think about it, “bounced” is a strange choice of word to apply to a failed cheque. “Bounce” implies lively, rejuvenated, excitable, energetic – a collection of adjectives which certainly wouldn’t fit your mood in the instance of a bounced…

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Cross Border Crime - STA Law Firm
09 Mar 2015

Cross Border Crime and Extradition

Cooperation in International Financial Investigations Apparently “money talks” but “crime doesn’t pay”. It  therefore follows that financial crime is rife, yet the methods in place to control and reduce it are effective.  The evolution of banking means that there are now more ways than ever conduct financial activity, with online…

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17 Dec 2014

Defamation-Hold your Tongue!

“Don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking”. “Don’t talk whilst your mouth is full”. “Don’t bite your nails”.                                                                …

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