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New Law Concerning Erada Rehab Centre Issued

New Law Concerning Erada Rehab Centre Issued


The UAE is a very young nation. It is currently within only a few years of being 50 and considering this, the development that has taken place in such a short time is remarkable. One of the most important if not the most critical areas to develop is the legal systems and social developments for the populous. These ensure that systems are in place, and entities can enforce them.

With significant legal and social developments, there comes a lot of good, though there are also numerous issues to consider. One such topic of concern is that of alcohol and substance abuse. As the problem becomes more prominent, official solutions must arise as a response. While the UAE is not a nation that has a drug and alcohol-related issue, developments to help those in need are still being made and added to regularly.

A new law has been issued which covers the Erada Rehab Centre. This centre is responsible for helping those afflicted with addiction issues, and the new law will improve upon it. The changes to receive introduction can be summarised as follows.

RERA Law Update                                  

The Erada Rehab Centre was established through Law Number 5 of 2016 in Dubai. The purpose of the centre is to treat those with substance abuse or alcohol problems, though this is not their only goal. They are also responsible for planning policies and strategies to allow for better handling of such matters throughout the Emirate and the nation as a whole.

The law specifies details such as the admission process for individuals who enter the centre. The process can also receive approval through a public prosecutor if the need should arise. If courts should decide it, they can pass judgement requiring individuals to attend rehabilitation. Discharge can also occur after two years or if the court or a specialist requests it. Further to this, an individual wishing to enter into the centre for rehabilitation will not be subject to prosecution unless they refuse to hand over any drugs in their possession.

The law will receive addition into the national Gazette and will come into effect immediately upon this occurring. However, the exact date is currently not specified.